Section 1.5
Organize your planning and writing. Organization is the arrangement of elements into a structure,
a whole.
- Organization is a work strategy for setting priorities that helps the writer make the
best use of his or her time. The process of getting organized requires that you, as
a writer, work out a schedule for your research and writing. Work plans and other document-planning aids can be
valuable tools for helping you produce work on a reasonable schedule.
- Organization is a specific approach to document planning. The key instrument of
document organization is the outline. Outlines help
you work out both the general structure of your document and specific sections and topics.
- Organization is essential in making your document coherent to your audience. A predictable and logical structure helps
readers understand the information presented in your document. Almost all documents, from short memoranda to lengthy reports, consist of some type of introductory material, the body, and concluding
## Organization ##
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