Magnetic tunnel junction in modern computing

24th March 2022

Timing : 2 pm EST

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For a list of all talks at the NanoBio seminar Series Spring'22, see here

Spin-transfer-torque switchable magnetic tunnel junction is an enabling device that brought the recent technology and product offerings of spin-transfer-torque magnetic random access memory. I’ll review some current understanding, with an emphasis on device and materials physics underpinning switching performance in memory technologies, and the likely requirements for future generations in related applications space. Key considerations include switching current, speed, and data-retention trade-off, and the need to seek more efficient charge-to-spin conversion mechanisms. Finally, I will touch on some nascent applications ideas involving the magnetic tunnel junction as a compact and power-efficient CMOS backend-compatible entropy source for probabilistic computing, and the device physics related to sub-nanosecond stochastic bit-stream generation, with potential applications in computing schemes beyond von Neumann architecture.