Format for Technician Email

Title of Email

Interested in NCB for Technician_first name last name
example: Interested in NCB for Technician_Robert Brown

FORMAT for email text (This format should be in the email text and not just in attachment)

  1. Undergraduate University:
    Year of completion (expected):

  2. MS/PhD University (if applicable):
    Year of completion (expected):

  3. Work Instituition(s) (if different from above):
    start and completion year(present):

  4. Keywords for areas you have work/background in:

  5. Brief Decription of projects and scientific achievements

  6. link to google scholar page if available):

  7. Simulation/Modeling/Design Skills if any:

  8. Experimental skills if any:

  9. Do you have funding of your own?

  10. Anything else you want to convey

  11. ATTACH