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Conference Program & Proceedings

Click here for an alphabetical list of papers.

The following papers and presentations are the intellectual property of the authors. If you would like to use images or information from the following presentations and papers, please contact the author for permission. Contact information can be found here.

Friday, April 26 (Bush Room, Building 10 Room 105):

4:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Dean Philip Khoury, welcome

David Mindell (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), opening remarks

David Mindell, "Introduction and Framework for Archaeology and Deep Water."

Anna Marguerite McCann (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), "East Meets West in the Deep Sea off Skerki Bank."

6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Reception

MIT Museum

Saturday, April 27 (Building E51, rooms 145 & 149):

(please note parallel sessions; talks will be 20 minutes each with time for discussion at the end of all of the papers)

9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Technology session I (room 145):

Peter Holt (Sonardyne International Ltd.), "Positioning in Deep Water."

Justin Dix (University of Southampton), "Fundamental Acoustics for Marine Archaeology."

Brett A. Phaneuf (Institute of Nautical Archaeology, Texas A & M University) & Lt. Robert Hanna (United States Navy), "Deployment of Commercial-off-the-shelf Technology (COTS) aboard the US Navy Nuclear Research Submarine NR-1 for Archaeological Mapping in the Deep-Sea."

Sarah Webster (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute), "A Method for Deep Water Archaeological Excavation."

Brian Bingham & Brendan Foley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), "The Value of Precision in Archaeology" (3.9M)


9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Technology session II (room 149):

James B. Newman (Institute for Exploration and Woods Hole Marine Systems, Inc.), "Underwater Vehicle System Development at the Institute For Exploration." (4.3M), Abstract (54k)

Justin Manley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), "AUV’s in Archaeology: the Current State-of-the-Art and a Vision for the Future." (7M)

N. M. Patrikalakis, T. Maekawa, C. Chryssostomidis, (MIT Department of Ocean Engineering), "Towards an Electronic Database for Ancient Amphorae" (18M)

Fred Hocker (National Museum of Denmark Centre for Maritime Archaeology), David Gregory (National Museum of Denmark Centre for Maritime Archaeology), & Justin Dix (University of Southampton), "Marine Archaeological Reconnaissance and Site Mapping Using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle: The Danish Experience."

Chris Roman and Hanu Singh (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), "Multiscalar, Multisensor Search and Survey with Hovering AUVs"

1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Archaeology session I (room 145):

Susan L. Cohen (Montana State University, Bozeman), "International Maritime Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Early Second Millennium B.C.E.: Archaeology, Theory, and a Proposal for Deep Sea Research." (24k)

Daniel Master (Wheaton College) & Patrick McGovern (University of Pennsylvania), "Results of a Chemical and Petrographic Examination of Artifacts from the 1999 Ashkelon Deep Water Survey."

Matthew Joel Adams (Penn State University), "Proposed Investigation of Flooded Archaeological Remains Beneath Lake Nasser." (22k)

Jana Owen (UCLA), "Luxury Goods, Tropical Monsoons and Lost Information: The Archaeology of the Southern Arabian Peninsula."

Kathryn Willis (Institute for Nautical Archaeology, Texas A & M University), "Beyond Amphoras: A Deeper Understanding of Seafaring."


1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Archaeology session II (room 149):

Jim Sinclair (Marine Archaeologist), "Operation Coconut or The Pina Colada Wreck!" (222k)

Jack B. Irion (Minerals Management Service, U.S. Department of the Interior), "Cultural Resource Management of Shipwrecks on the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Slope." (140k)

Daniel Warren (Marine Archaeologist, C & C Technologies), "The Discovery of the U-166: Deep Water Archaeological Surveying with the Hugin 3000 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle."

Art Cohn (Lake Champlain Maritime Museum), "Archaeology and the Deep Sea: The Systematic and Scientific Survey of Lake Champlain."


3:30-5:30 p.m. Policy, Ethics, and Cultural Resource Management (room 145):

Robert Blumberg (US State Department), "Convention for the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage--UNESCO's Failed Effort."

Jim Goold (Covington & Burling), "The Current Status of the UNESCO Convention on Underwater Cultural Heritage And Its Implications For Deep Sea Archaeology."

Robert Grenier (Chief of Underwater Archaeology, Parks Canada), "The 2001 UNESCO Convention on the Underwater Cultural Heritage and Deep-Water Archaeology: A New Challenge."

Ioannis Sapountzis (Tufts University), "Underwater Archaeology vs. Treasure Hunting." (19k)

John Broadwater (Manager, Monitor national Marine Sanctuary), "Can Deepwater Wrecks Really be Protected? Submerged Cultural Resources Management in the National Marine Sanctuary Program."

Jim Goold (Covington & Burling), "The Juno/La Galga Litigation And the Special Considerations That Apply to Sovereign Vessels."


3:30-5:30 p.m. Archaeology session III (room 149):

Cheryl Ward (Florida State University), "Black Sea Shipwrecks."

Claire Calcagno (University of Southampton), "Edgerton’s gifts: MIT at the Dawn of Underwater Archaeology."

Ayse D. Atauz (Institute of Nautical Archaeology, Texas A & M University) & Fredrik Soreide (ProMare), "Low Cost High Tech Underwater Archaeological Survey in Malta." (6.5M)

Dwight F. Coleman (Institute for Exploration), "Ongoing Research Programs at the Institute for Exploration."

7:00-9:30 p.m. Reception and Dinner (The University Park Hotel, in the Luscomb room)

Dinner speaker: Dr. Dana Yoerger (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), "The Autonomous Benthic Explorer."

Sunday, April 28 (Bartos Theater, Building E15):

9:00 - 11:45 a.m.

Panel Discussion: Education and Training in Deep Water Archaeology.

Panel participants: Katherine Croff & Brendan Foley, MIT, Ayse Atauz & Kathryn Willis, Texas A&M University

11:45-12:00 Concluding remarks





Deep Water Archaeology Research Group
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave. Rm e51-194
Cambridge, MA 02139



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