Update on Women Faculty in the
Sloan School of Management
Lotte Bailyn
Since the last report from the Schools in 2001, there has been a small change in the number of women at Sloan. One woman associate professor with tenure has been promoted to full professor; two women assistant professors have been promoted to associate professor without tenure; two new assistant professors have been added. During the same period we have lost four tenured male full professors; added two male associate professors with tenure; added two associate professors without tenure; and lost two assistant professors. Overall, the faculty has stayed at 97 with two fewer men, and two more women, thus increasing the percentage of women from 15% to 18%.
The Sloan Gender Equity Committee has also finished its report on the junior faculty. They interviewed nine women junior faculty and a matched group of nine men. Overall, there was less difference in the experience of men and women at the junior level than had been found with the senior faculty. There were some issues that affected all junior faculty, particularly around mentoring, and around advice and feedback on the promotion and tenure process. But there also were some gender differences. Junior women faculty have a harder time than their male colleagues establishing their legitimacy with students. They also, like the senior women, express less of a sense of belonging, both on arrival and currently. But the biggest difference was the coded level of stress. Each interview was independently coded by a man and a woman on the level of stress it seemed to represent using a scale from 1 to 5 (=high stress). The men had a mean of 2.7 compared to a mean of 4.2 for the women; the mode for the men was 2, for the women it was 5. And, like the senior women, fewer of the junior women faculty were married or had children.
The report was presented to and discussed at the Sloan Personnel Committee and with the junior faculty. A number of recommendations were made and the deans are working on them. In particular, a more rigorous mentoring system has been put into place.