MIT's New Adoption Assistance Program
Recognizing the broad diversity of MIT employees who are building families, MIT has created an Adoption Assistance Program that provides eligible employees with financial reimbursement for qualified adoption expenses. The program is being administered through Benefits in Human Resources. The program start date is January 1, 2008, and provides a benefit of up to $5,000 per finalized adoption for eligible expenses, not to exceed a lifetime benefit of $20,000 per employee. Special provisions are being made for qualified adoption expenses incurred in 2007 before the program start date.
All benefits-eligible MIT employees may apply for benefits under the program upon adopting a child under the age of 18. Employees must be actively employed, or on approved paid or unpaid leave, at the time the expenses are incurred and at the time the adoption is finalized. If two adoptive parents are both MIT employees, only one employee is eligible for reimbursement per adoption. The plan is open to single individuals and same-sex couples; the child being adopted may not be the child of an employee’s spouse or domestic partner.
This program was years in the making and has been very well received by the community. For more details, visit hrweb.mit.edu/benefits/adoption/index.html
For more information on adoption resources at MIT, or for a confidential consultation on adoption or issues related to adoption, please contact the Center for Work, Family & Personal Life at (617) 253-1592, or e-mail worklife@mit.edu.
For information about MIT’s peer-led discussion group, including a schedule of upcoming monthly meetings, or to sign up for the group’s e-mail listserv, visit Adoptive Families at MIT at web.mit.edu/adoption/.