Editorial The precipitous decline of the financial markets has taken its toll on college and university endowments across the country. MIT has not been immune to this . . . |
Teach Talk
Michael Sipser It never hurts to remind ourselves that MIT has the greatest students in the world, and that we have a profound obligation to give them an equally great MIT education. |
Newsletter Staff Thomas A. Kochan will take up his duties as Chair of the Faculty this June after a year of apprenticing under outgoing Chair and good friend Bish Sanyal. |
From the Faculty Chair
Bish Sanyal By a vote of 81-69, faculty in attendance at the February 4 special faculty meeting supported the motion to restructure the General Institute Requirements (GIRs). |
Subra Suresh Like so many of our peer institutions, MIT is in the process of adjusting to a new economic reality. The Institute has experienced a significant decline in its . . . |
Charles E. Leiserson Few would argue that our formal positions as MIT professors motivate our graduate students to work hard on our research projects. Our personal leadership skill – |
As with the rest of the Institute, MIT Medical has been hit hard by the economic downturn, being told by the MIT administration that it needs to make budget cuts . . . |
Douglas Pfeiffer The MIT Faculty Renewal Program was established in 2008 and was designed to offer eligible senior faculty members the option to retire voluntarily with certain . . . |
The new members of the Faculty Newsletter Editorial Board as of this spring are: |
Bish Sanyal How different are the times from when I started my term as the Faculty Chair in June 2007 and now, in May 2009, when I am at the end of my term! Unfortunately, the . . . |
Hal Abelson, Ann Wolpert On March 18, 2009, MIT faculty at the Institute faculty meeting voted unanimously to make their scholarly articles openly available, the first university-wide faculty . . . |
Teach Talk Elizabeth Vogel Taylor, Rudolph Mitchell, Catherine Drennan Through a graduate-student teaching-assistant (TA) training “bootcamp,” a modest time investment by Chemistry teaching staff prior to the semester is resulting in . . . |
No doubt there is a lot of information "out there" to support MIT faculty in the area of work/life balance. The problem has been accessing this information – |
MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) has launched a call for proposals for its second round of Global Seed Funds grants. The program . . . |
Arts & Humanities at MIT Helen Elaine Lee With this issue of the Faculty Newsletter we initiate another regular feature: Arts & Humanities at MIT. Some faculty in these disciplines feel that they live on the . . . |
Edward F. Crawley In its recent report, The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century, the National Academy of Engineering outlined the various fields in which students . . . |
Letters Anne EC McCants Having just departed from the Institute faculty meeting, I find myself inspired to write in regard to the discussion generated by the CUP proposal for a change to the HASS . . . |
The MIT 150 will be a major exhibit celebrating the Institute's 150th birthday in 2011. What makes it particularly cool is that the Museum is making a determined effort . . . |
M.I.T. Numbers |