MIT Faculty Newsletter  
Vol. XXV No. 1
September / October 2012
I. Graduate Student Housing Difficulties
II. Response to MIT 2030 Concerns
III. edX Front and Center
IV. 25th Anniversary of the FNL
edX: Hostile Takeover or Helping Hand?
Comings and Goings
Concerns Over Affordability
of On-Campus Housing
New Strategic Directions for DUE
From Imagination to Impact: Empowering Graduate Students to Create the Future
Survey Says: Faculty Happy But Stressed
Teaching this fall? You should know . . .
Alumni Association Seeks Traveling Faculty
Nominate a Colleague for the MacVicar Faculty Fellows Program
Request for Preliminary Proposals for Innovative Curricular Projects
Thanks and some reflections
From the 2008 and 2012 Faculty Survey
Printable Version

Alumni Association Seeks Traveling Faculty

Louis Alexander

Among the most frequently received requests from alumni to the Alumni Association are for opportunities to hear presentations from MIT faculty. Knowing of the pressures on your time, we are always grateful when it is possible for faculty in the course of their travels to speak with MIT alumni groups about their research.

If you do have time in your travels to talk about your work, we can offer you an audience of lively and curious people full of intelligent questions. But, we need to know if you are interested and where you would be travelling.

The first step is to fill out the Faculty Travel Form! This will take less than a minute to complete. Normally, we need about a six-week lead time to make an event happen.

To start, visit and click on the link to the Faculty Travel Form at the bottom of the page.

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