Editorial Editorial Subcommittee As of this writing MITIMCo (MIT Investment Management Company) has made two presentations of its revised up-zoning petition for the east end of the campus . . . |
The following interview between the Faculty Newsletter (FNL) and Tom Kochan (TK), the Chair of the Task Force on Community Engagement in 2030 Planning, was held on January 17, 2013. |
Brian Spatocco Prompted and motivated by the recent remarks of our President-Elect Rafael Reif when he noted, “A time of transition should also be a time for reflection – a time . . . |
From the Faculty Chair
Samuel M. Allen My biggest aspiration in taking on the role of Chair of the Faculty has been to improve faculty/administration communication, collaboration, and trust. Whether justified . . . |
Caroline A. Jones and the SAPiens MIT 2030 represents a bold beginning for a comprehensive plan that anticipates the renovation of MIT’s aging facilities and produces a map of its future research . . . |
O. R. Simha In 1912, Francis Hart, the sixth treasurer of MIT, oversaw the purchase of 46 acres of land in Cambridge for the new campus. The purchase cost was $775,000 or . . . |
A forum honoring MIT Faculty Newsletter founder and Physics Professor Emerita Vera Kistiakowsky was held on January 11, 2013. A physicist, teacher, mother, . . . |
Soulaymane Kachani Over the past five years, the cost of living for MIT students has increased dramatically. Stipends, however, have not. We are now in a situation where graduate students . . . |
Jonathan King Few faculty, students, or administrators doubt the advantage of a residential campus over a commuter campus for undergraduate education. The ability of students . . . |
Israel Ruiz and Martin Schmidt The November/December 2011 issue of the Faculty Newsletter (FNL) featured a number of articles about MIT 2030. We appreciate having this opportunity to reflect . . . |
Editorial Editorial Subcommittee MIT is much more than the sum of its classrooms, laboratories, dormitories, and recreational facilities. And yet this infrastructure of land and buildings is critical for . . . |
The faculty regulates examinations and assignments for all subjects. |
M.I.T. Numbers |