This issue of
the Faculty Newsletter features continuing commentary on MIT's actions regarding the issue of climate change. There's our editorial, an article by Vice President of Research Maria Zuber, "An Update on Climate Action," as well as a piece by members of MIT's Climate Change Conversion Committee, and more.
Editorial Editorial Subcommittee The 116-day sit-in by members of Fossil Free MIT Coalition (FFMIT), directed against the MIT administration’s climate action and investment policies, ended on March 1 . . . |
Max Tegmark Cambridge Mayor Denise Simmons announced on April 2 at MIT that the Cambridge City Council has unanimously voted to recommend divesting their $1 billion city . . . |
Maria T. Zuber Last December, I had the privilege of traveling to the Paris climate talks and being a witness to history: Nearly 200 countries, representing as grand a consensus as the . . . |
In September 2014, MIT established the Committee on the MIT Climate Change Conversation, with the mandate to “seek broad input from the Institute community . . . |
Letters Alexander Slocum Individually, we MIT faculty tend to be a hyper creative lot, although collectively, we tend to be cautious and reserved, especially with regard to curricula and governing . . . |
John Ochsendorf This spring, MIT commemorates its historic 1916 move from Boston to Cambridge with a series of academic and social events. MIT2016: Celebrating a Century in Cambridge |
Patrick Henry Winston In the January/February 2016 issue of the Faculty Newsletter (Vol. XXVIII No. 3), the Editorial Board Editorial Subcommittee, noting low turnout at faculty meetings and . . . |
Olivier de Weck On July 1, 2015, the Engineering Systems Division (ESD) ceased to exist as a recognized organizational unit at MIT. This event went unnoticed perhaps by a . . . |
Garry Zacheiss, Katherine McNeill Researchers have become increasingly interested in the benefits of Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs). ELNs enable researchers to organize and store experimental . . . |
Letters Molly Ruggles How lucky MIT is to have the measured, informed, and powerful intellectual reasoning of Prof. Sally Haslanger. In our community, where the humanities and social sciences . . . |
Letters Eve Odiorne Sullivan Professor Eltahir’s warning in the November/December 2015 Faculty Newsletter is both compelling and deeply distressing. Noting his research in Civil and Environmental . . . |
Letters Gordon Kaufman Your deconstruction of the current MITIMCo plan is required reading for MIT’s “Top Brass.” In particular, the proposal that several commercial buildings be built so . . . |
Letters Gary Hack I read with interest your article in the current Faculty Newsletter, and wanted to applaud you for writing it. While I didn’t look at the plans in as much detail as you did, . . . |
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