
9th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies
16 - 20 November 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel; Washington DC



  GHGT-9 Attendee Details

Total Number of Delegates:
1469 Delegates Registered from 42 Countries
195 of the Delegates were Students

Delegates by Country:
Albania = 1 Japan = 98
Argentina = 1 Korea = 24
Australia = 52 Malaysia = 2
Austria = 7 Mexico = 3
Belgium = 7 Nepal = 2
Brazil = 10 Netherlands = 65
Cameroon = 1 New Zealand = 5
Canada = 110 Norway = 97
China = 10 Poland = 5
Columbia = 2 Portugal = 1
Czech Republic = 1 Saudi Arabia = 2
Denmark = 12 Sierra Leone = 1
Estonia = 2 South Africa = 14
Finland = 8 Spain = 18
France = 79 Sweden = 20
Germany = 64 Switzerland = 12
Greece = 1 Taiwan = 1
India = 4 Thailand = 1
Iran = 2 United Arab Emirates = 5
Ireland = 3 United Kingdom = 97
Italy = 18 United States = 576




GHGT conference series website.

GHGT-11 will be held in Kyoto, Japan on 18 - 22 Nov 2012. More information can be found here.


