Genomics and Computational Biology
(see also publications grouped by themes)
- Reliable prediction of regulator targets using 12 Drosophila genomes
Kherapdour, Stark, Roy, Kellis
Genome Research, Nov 7, 2007, Early online access, (pdf)
- A single Hox locus in Drosophila produces functional microRNAs from opposite DNA strands
Stark, Bushati, Jan, Kheradpour, Hodges, Brennecke, Bartel, Cohen, Kellis
Genes and Development 22:8-13, Jan 1, 2008 (pdf)
- Distinguishing protein-coding and noncoding genes in the human genome
Clamp, Fry, Kamal, Xie, Cuff, Lin, Kellis, Lindblad-Toh, Lander
PNAS 49:19428-19433, Dec 4, 2007 (pdf)
- RNA Polymerase Stalling at Developmental Control Genes in the Drosophila Embryo
Zeitlinger, Zinzen, Stark, Kellis, Young, Levine
Nature Genetics, November 11, 2007, early online publication (Nature Genetics)
- Discovery of functional elements in 12 Drosophila genomes using evolutionary signatures
Stark, Lin, Kheradpour, Pedersen, Parts, Carlson, Crosby, Rasmussen, Roy, Deoras, Ruby, Brennecke, FlyBase curators, Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project, Hodges, Hinrichs, Caspi, Paten, Park, Han, Maeder, Polansky, Robson, Aerts, vanHelden, Hassan, Gilbert, Eastman, Rice, Weir, Hahn, Park, Dewey, Pachter, Kent, Haussler, Lai, Bartel, Hannon, Kaufman, Eisen, Clark, Smith, Celniker, Gelbart, Kellis
Nature, 2007 Nov 8; 450:203-218, 14 pages (pdf) (Nature focus page) (Supplementary Information)
- Evolution of genes and genomes in the Drosophila Phylogeny
- Accurate gene-tree reconstruction by learning gene- and species-specific substitution rates across multiple complete genomes
Rasmussen, Kellis
Genome Research, Nov 7, 2007, Early online access (pdf)
- Evolutionary dynamics of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein interaction network following duplication
Presser, Elowitz, Kellis, Kishony
PNAS Jan 16, 2008, (PNAS) (pdf)
- Evolution, biogenesis, expression, and target predictions of a substantially expanded set of Drosophila microRNAs
Ruby, Stark, Johnston, Kellis, Bartel, Lai
Genome Research, Nov 7, 2007, Early online access (pdf)
- Revisiting the protein-coding gene catalog of Drosophila melanogaster using twelve fly genomes
Lin, Carlson, Crosby, Matthews, Yu, Park, Wan, Schroeder, Gramates, Pierre, Roark, Wiley, Kulathinal, Zhang, Myrick, Antone, Celniker, Gelbart, Kellis
Genome Research, Nov 7, 2007, Early Online Access (pdf)
- Whole-genome ChIP-chip analysis of Dorsal, Twist, and Snail suggests integration of diverse patterning processes in the Drosophila embryo
Zeitlinger, Zinzen, Stark, Kellis, Zhang, Young, Levine
Genes and Development, 21:385-390, March 2, 2007 (pdf) (paper)
- Gene content of the human genome
Clamp, Fry, Kamal, Xie, Cuff, Lin, Kellis, Lindblad-Toh, Lander
PNAS, 8 pages, in press
- Systematic discovery and characterization of fly microRNAs using 12 Drosophila genomes
Stark, Kheradpour, Brennecke, Hodges, Hannon, Kellis
Genome Research, Nov 7, 2007, Early online access (pdf)
- Systematic discovery of regulatory motifs in conserved regions of the human genome, including thousands of CTCF insulator sites
Xie, Mikkelsen, Gnirke, Lindblad-Toh, Kellis, Lander
PNAS 104, 7145-7150, April 24, 2007 (pdf)
- Discrete Small RNA-Generating Loci as Master Regulators of Transposon Activity in Drosophila
Brennecke, Aravin, Stark, Dus, Kellis, Sachidanandam, Hannon
Cell 128, 1-15, March 23, 2007 (pdf)
- Genome sequence, comparative analysis and haplotype structure of the domestic dog
Lindblad-Toh, Wade, Mikkelsen, Karlsson, Jaffe, Kamal, Clamp, Chang, Kulbokas, Zody, Mauceli, Xie, Breen, Wayne, Ostrander, Ponting, Galibert, Smith, deJong, Kirkness, Alvarez, Biagi, Brockman, Butler, Chin, Cook, Cuff, Daly, DeCaprio, Gnerre, Grabherr, Kellis, Kleber, Bardeleben, Goodstadt, Heger, Hitte, Kim, Koepfli, Parker, Pollinger, Searle, Sutter, Thomas, Webber, Broad Sequencing Platform, Eric Lander
Nature 2005 Dec 8; 438 pp. 711-888 (pdf) (Nature website)
(Supplementary Information)
- Systematic discovery of regulatory motifs in human promoters and 3' UTRs by comparison of several mammals
- Proof and evolutionary analysis of ancient genome duplication in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Sequencing and comparison of yeast species to identify genes and regulatory motifs
- Transcriptional regulatory code of a eukaryotic genome
Chris Harbison et al., Ben Gordon, Tony Lee, Nicola Rinaldi, Macisaac, Danford, Hannett, Tagne, Reynolds, Yoo, Jennings, Zeitlinger, Pokholok, Kellis, Rolfe, Takusagawa, Lander, Gifford, Fraenkel, Young.
Nature 2004 Sep 2; 431 pp. 99-104 (pdf) (Nature website)
(Supplementary Information)
- Genome duplication in the teleost fish Tetraodon nigrovidridis reveals the early vertebrate proto-karyotype
Olivier Jaillon et al., Aury, Brunet, Petit, Stange-Thomann, Mauceli, Bouneau, Fischer, Ozouf-Costaz, Bernot, Nicaud, Jaffe, Fisher, Lutfalla, Dossat, Segurens, Dasilva, Salanoubat, Levy, Boudet, Castellano, Anthouard, Jubin, Castelli, Katinka, Vacherie, Biemont, Skalli, Cattolico, Poulain, Berardinis, Cruaud, Duprat, Brottier, Coutanceau, Gouzy, Parra, Lardier, Chapple, McKernan, McEwan, Bosak, Kellis, Volff, Guigo, Zody, Mesirov, Lindblad-Toh, Birren, Nusbaum, Kahn, Robinson-Rechavi, Laudet, Schachter, Quetier, Saurin, Scarpelli, Wincker, Lander, Weissenbach, Hugues Roest Crollius.
Nature 2004 Oct 21; 431 pp. 946-957 (pdf) (Nature website)
(Supplementary Information)
- Methods in comparative genomics: genome correspondence, gene identification, regulatory motif discovery
Manolis Kellis, Nick Patterson, Bruce Birren, Bonnie Berger, Eric Lander
Journal of Computational Biology 2004; 11 pp. 319-55. (pdf).
- Whole-genome comparative annotation and motif discovery in yeast
Manolis Kellis (Kamvysselis), Nick Patterson, Bruce Birren, Bonnie Berger, Eric Lander
ACM Recomb '03 Proceedings (pdf)
- Phylogenetically and spatially conserved word pairs associated with gene-expression changes in yeasts
Derek Chiang, Alan Moses, Manolis Kellis, Eric Lander, Mike Eisen
ACM Recomb '03 Proceedings. (pdf)
- Gene finding using multiple related species: a classification approach.
Manolis Kellis
Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics, John Wiley & Sons, special review, 2005 (in press) (pdf).
- What's in the human genome? Large-scale discovery and validation of functional elements
Bradley E Bernstein and Manolis Kellis
Genome Biology 2005 Mar 1; 6:312 (pdf)
- The changing face of genomics
Manolis Kellis
Genome Biology 2004 Apr 30; 5(5): p. 324 (pdf)
- Computational Comparative Genomics: Genes, Regulation, Evolution
Manolis Kellis (Kamvysselis)
MIT Ph.D. Thesis '03 (pdf)
- Position specific variation in the rate of evolution in transcription factor binding sites
Alan Moses, Derek Chiang, Manolis Kellis, Eric Lander, Mike Eisen
BMC Evolutionary Biology 2003, 3:19, Aug 28, 2003 (pdf)
- The Genome Sequence of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa
James Galagan, Sarah Calvo, Borkovich, Selker, Read, Jaffe, FitzHugh, Ma, Smirnov, Purcell, Rehman, Elkins, Engels, Wang, Nielsen, Butler, Endrizzi, Qui, Ianakiev, Bell-Pedersen, Nelson, Werner-Washburne, Selitrennikoff, Kinsey, Braun, Zelter, Schulte, Kothe, Jedd, Mewes, Staben, Marcotte, Greenberg, Roy, Foley, Naylor, Stange-Thomann, Barrett, Gnerre, Kamal, Kamvysselis, Mauceli, Bielke, Rudd,, Frishman, Krystofova, Rasmussen, Metzenberg, Perkins, Kroken, Cogoni, Macino, Catcheside, Li, Pratt,, Osmani, DeSouza, Glass, Orbach, Berglund, Voelker, Yarden, Plamann, Seiler, Dunlap, Radford, Aramayo, Natvig, Alex, Mannhaupt, Ebbole, Freitag, Paulsen, Sachs, Lander, Nusbaum, Birren
Nature, 2003 Apr 24; 422 pp 859-868. (pdf) (Nature website)
(Supplementary Information)
- Phylogenetically and spatially conserved word pairs associated with gene-expression changes in yeasts
Derek Chiang, Alan Moses, Manolis Kellis, Eric Lander, Mike Eisen
Genome Biology, 4(7):R43, Jun 26, 2003. (pdf)
- Biological Signal Discovery: The Power of Multiple Genomes
Manolis Kellis
Fungal comparative genomics, Springer Verlag, invited book chapter, 2004 (in preparation).
Computational Geometry
- Crust: A new Voronoi-Based Surface Reconstruction Algorithm
Nina Amenta, Marshall Bern, Manolis Kamvysselis
ACM Siggraph '98 Proceedings (pdf)
- ECImorph: 2D polygon morphing using the Extended Gaussian Image
Manolis Kamvysselis
MIT Computer Vision (6.866, Berthold Horn) Final Project (pdf)
- 3Dmorph: polygon-based geometry morphing
Manolis Kamvysselis, Matt Blum, Hooman Vassef, Krzysztof Gajos
MIT Computer Graphics (6.837, Seth Teller) Final Project (pdf)
Other manuscripts (Robotics / AI)
- Imagina: Sketch-based Image Retrieval using Cognitive Abstraction
Manolis Kamvysselis, Ovidiu Marina
MIT Masters Thesis '99 (pdf)
- Wavelet-based character recognition in curvature space
Manolis Kamvysselis
MIT Machine Learning (6.891, Paul Viola) Final Project (pdf)
- Robologo: Interactive programming environment for wheeled robot
Manolis Kamvysselis, Jeremy Lueck, Christopher Rohrs
MIT Microprocessor Design Lab (6.115, Marvin Minsky) Final Project (pdf)
- Meta-evolution: Computational requirements for evolutionary bursts
Manolis Kamvysselis
MIT Society of Mind (6.868, Marvin Minsky) Final Project (pdf)
- Mood: Auditory recognition and classification based on changes in attentional state
Manolis Kamvysselis, Ovidiu Marina, Hooman Vassef, Dedric Carter, Patrick Winston
MIT Human Intelligence Enterprise (6.892, Patrick Winston) Final Project (pdf)
- Webbot: A constraint model for automated web traversal
Manolis Kamvysselis, Henryk Frystyk Nielsen
Wold Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Online Publications (pdf)
- Invest: Three algorithms for predicting stock market changes
Manolis Kamvysselis, Shishir Mehrotra, Nimrod Washawsky
MIT Artificial Intelligence (6.038, Tomas Lozano-Perez) Final Project (pdf)
Computational Biology
Interspecies |
DNA control structures by interspecies comparison, Spring 00, Whitehead Institute, MIT |
The goal is to discover new regulatory motifs and other DNA
meta-information by comparing multiple species. Preserved
structures accross multiple species will allow short
control sequences to stand out from random similarities due
to noise.
Code in C and Python.
Supervised by Eric Lander, director of the Whitehead
Institute Center for Genome Research, and Bonnie Berger,
head of the Computational Biology group of LCS.
| HOX |
Genomic Analysis of the Hox Developmental Genes, Fall 00, Whitehead Institute, MIT |
Analysis of the conservation of both sequence and spacing
in the Hox developmental gene clusters accross mammalian
genomes (Human, Baboon, Mouse, Rat). Analysis leads to
candidate elements involved in timing and regulation of
body plan determination during embryonic development.
Code in C and Python. Working with Ken Dewar and Eric Lander.
AI: Machine Learning
Chars |
New representation for character recognition, Fall 99, MIT AI Lab |
Presented a compact angle representation for online
characters that filters noise and facilitates recognition.
Wavelet decopmosition of the character signal in derivative
angle space is invariant to scaling or rotation and
remains preserved within samples of the same character.
Code in Matlab.
Supervised by Paul Viola from the Learning and Vision group
of the AI Lab at MIT.
| Imagina |
Sketch-Based Image Retrieval, Spring 99, MIT, MA
Developped a new system for content-base image retrieval. User input is in
form of a sketch. Images are segmented into regions based on color and
spatial relations. Region shapes are then compared at different levels of
details of different shape representations. The sketch is then matched to
images based on region shape, color and configuration. Code in Java.
Supervised by Professor Patrick Winston.
| DiVA |
Learning Probabilistic Models of Human Motion, Summer 99, Xerox PARC, CA |
Working on learning a probabilistic model for combinations of
primitives in human motion. Code in Matlab.
Supervised by Michael Black from the Digital Video Analysis Area
of the Science and Pracices Lab at Xerox PARC.
Computational Geometry
Crust |
3D Surface Reconstruction, Summer 97, CSL, Xerox PARC, Palo Alto, CA
Worked on developing, implementing, and testing
the first provably correct algorithm for 3D surface reconstruction
from scattered points. Code written in C, 3D models constructed for
Worked in the Theory Group of the Computer Science Laboratory
with PARC researchers
Marshall Bern
and Nina Amenta.
Project part of the VI-A
internship program at Xerox PARC.
| 3DMorph |
3D Model Morphing, Fall 97, Computer Graphics, MIT, MA
Invented, designed, and implemented a 3D morphing algorithm
for Inventor models, that constructs a heuristically optimal match
between two triangulated models, minimizing distance traveled among matched triangles.
The system handles M-to-M polygon matching using the Edge Ordering Algorithm and extends this
to M-to-N matching using the Incremental Edge Ordering Algorithm for polygon births.
Both algorithms are generic and can be used beyond morphing for optimal matches.
Presented as the final project for Seth Teller's
Computer Graphics (6.837).
| EciMorph |
Gaussian Polygon Morphing, Fall 97, Robot Vision, MIT, MA
Invented and implemented a new approach to polygon morphing
using the Extended Gaussian Image representation of objects,
invented by Berthold K. P. Horn,
for object recognition in Robot Vision. The program maps initial and final polygon to their
respective Extended Circular Images (ECI), and gradually transforms one ECI into the other
and then reverses the mapping at each step to recreate intermediate polygons. The program is
now limited to 2d convex polygons, but possible extensions have been presented. Code written
in Java and running as an applet.
Presented as the final project for Berthold K. P. Horn's
Robot Vision class (6.866).
AI: Pattern Recognition
Mood |
Music Understanding using Patterns of Attentional State, Spring 98, MIT, MA
Invented, designed, and implemented an architecture for understanding,
recognition and classification of music. With no prior knowledge, the
system learns periodicity, voices and mood, based on patterns in music,
abstracted in patterns of attentional state. The concept is
based on Sajit Rao's and Shimon Ullman's work on constructing
visual routines by combining primitives. Presented as a final project for a
team of four people in
Patrick Winston's
The Human Intelligence Enterprise (6.892).
| Invest |
Intelligent Investment Assistant, Spring 98, Artificial Intelligence in Practice, MIT, MA
Applied Artificial Intelligence methods to the study of the Stock Market.
Implemented a Neural Net stock market predictor
along with a Nearest Neighbor predictor, and a salient patterns predictor.
Presented as a final project in a team of three for
Tomás Lozano Perez's
Artificial Intelligence in Practice, (6.038).
| Webbot |
Constraint Model for a Web Robot, Summer 96, W3C, LCS, MIT, Cambridge, MA
The constraint model allows the user to specify how the robot
navigates the web. It receives commands via a simple language for
recursive definition of arbitrarily complicated rules and constraints
for the robot to follow. The research project and the constraint model
can be used for traversing the web, validating links, comparing pages,
searching for keywords, verifying syntax, printing multiple pages. The
pattern matching code was written in Tcl. The robot accesses the web
via calls to the W3C library of common code for internet
functionality. The research project was supervised by Henrik Frystyk
Nielsen of the World Wide Web
Consortium and funded by the Lab
for Computer Science at MIT.
RoboLogo |
Programming Environment for Interactive Robots, Fall 98, MIT, MA
Developed an environment that enables children to program interactive
robots. iLogo programming language modeled after Berkeley Logo. Compiler
written in Java using javacc. Low-level routines written in A51
assembly. Printed circuit board designed on Protel. 6.115 project.
| PolyBot |
Local Control of Modular Reconfigurable Robots, Summer 98, Xerox PARC, CA
Proposed a new local control architecture for modular
robots. The architecture allows many identical modules to locomote,
coordinate actions, share information, and arbitrate decisions based
on a combination of local rules, message passing and a global bus.
Code written in Java 1.2beta4 and simulation ran in Java3D
from within Netscape Navigator using the Java plugin.
The project is funded by the Xerox Corporation
and a research grant from DARPA.
Internship part of the MIT 6A program at the
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center.
| RoboAnt |
Autonomous Robot, Spring 96, MIT, Cambridge, MA
Designed, built, and programmed an autonomous robot.
The Robot was built out of Lego pieces, an electronic board, and
components such as touch sensors, light sensors, and infrared.
Presented in the context of the annual IAP Robot Design Contest
MBone |
Communications Technologies, Fall 95, CWIS, MIT, Cambridge, MA
Set up and broadcast of the
Bush research
symposium with the Multicast system MBone,
which allows real time video and audio communication via the internet,
as well as feedback in form of text or sketches. Also responsible of the slides projection
companion in real
time on the World Wide Web. Redesigned the Information Systems Newsletter site in a UROP funded by
Campus Wide Information Systems.
| Turing |
Universal Turing Machine, MIT, Fall 96, Cambridge, MA
Wrote a Turing Machine Implementation in Scheme.
| Chess |
Teaching Chess Lessons, 93-95, New York, NY
Developed and taught chess courses for beginners and intermediate players.
President and founder of my highschool's chess club.
| Astronomy |
Training in an Astronomy Observatory, Summer 93, CNRS, Marseille, FRANCE
Sky mapping, photo developing, planet studying as an assistant for
the Observatory of Provence, Marseille, France's National Center of Scientific Research