
The "Internet of Things" not on requires methods for describing objects, but mechanisms for sensing and controlling the physical environment. The Physical Markup Language supports this capability by providing specifications for establishing and interpreting sensory information.

Under the broad term of telemetry , many physical systems require continual monitoring and support. From the flight control systems on the Space Shuttle to a heart-lung machine in a hospital, accurate, real-time information is vital to their effective operation.

As we move toward a great degree of connectivity and increasingly networked physical systems, a reliable method for creating and maintaining sensor communication becomes that much more important.

The traditional protocols of the World Wide Web, such as the Hyper Text Transport Protocol (HTTP), work well for static information in fixed databases, but not for dynamic, distributed data communication. There are, however, many protocol adpated for this purpose.

We include in this version of the Physical Markup Language a simple data structure to reference these protocol and to provide high level interpretation of the incoming data streams.

Data Stream

We introduce that datastream element as a high-level interface and specification to lower-level data protocol. The datastream element includes a host and a port element describing the network host name and data port from which the data will be received. These corresponde to the usual definitions of Internet Hostname and Network Port address.

Following the host and port elements, are one or more msr (mearment) elements, indicating the number, units and offsets of incoming data stream. For this version of PML, we assume data is encoded as 32-bit floating point numbers.

<datastream label= string >
<host> hostname </host>
<port> port number </port>
<msr ...> offset1 </msr>
<msr ...> offset2 </msr>
. . .
<msr ...> offsetn </msr>


Specification: Data Stream

<datastream label= string >
<host> hostname </host>
<port> port number </port>
<msr ...> offset1 </msr>
<msr ...> offset2 </msr>
. . .
<msr ...> offsetn </msr>