When an initialized variable in Rust goes out of scope or a temporary is no longer needed its destructor is run. Assignment also runs the destructor of its left-hand operand, unless it's an unitialized variable. If a struct variable has been partially initialized, only its initialized fields are dropped.
The destrutor of a type consists of
- Calling its
method, if it has one. - Recursively running the destructor of all of its fields.
- The fields of a struct, tuple or enum variant are dropped in declaration order. *
- The elements of an array or owned slice are dropped from the first element to the last. *
- The captured values of a closure are dropped in an unspecified order.
- Trait objects run the destructor of the underlying type.
- Other types don't result in any further drops.
* This order was stabilized in RFC 1857.
Variables are dropped in reverse order of declaration. Variables declared in the same pattern drop in an unspecified ordered.
If a destructor must be run manually, such as when implementing your own smart
pointer, std::ptr::drop_in_place
can be used.
Some examples:
fn main() {
struct ShowOnDrop(&'static str);
impl Drop for ShowOnDrop {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("{}", self.0);
let mut overwritten = ShowOnDrop("Drops when overwritten");
overwritten = ShowOnDrop("drops when scope ends");
let declared_first = ShowOnDrop("Dropped last");
let declared_last = ShowOnDrop("Dropped first");
// Tuple elements drop in forwards order
let tuple = (ShowOnDrop("Tuple first"), ShowOnDrop("Tuple second"));
loop {
// Tuple expression doesn't finish evaluating so temporaries drop in reverse order:
let partial_tuple = (ShowOnDrop("Temp first"), ShowOnDrop("Temp second"), break);
let moved;
// No destructor run on assignment.
moved = ShowOnDrop("Drops when moved");
// drops now, but is then uninitialized
let uninitialized: ShowOnDrop;
// Only first element drops
let mut partially_initialized: (ShowOnDrop, ShowOnDrop);
partially_initialized.0 = ShowOnDrop("Partial tuple first");
Not running destructors
Not running destructors in Rust is safe even if it has a type that isn't
. std::mem::ManuallyDrop
provides a wrapper to prevent a
variable or field from being dropped automatically.