Capitol Reef at the opening of the Grand Wash.
Capitol Reef
is not one of those glitzy parks with any popular attraction. It's a
lot of fun to play in and is in the middle of everything.
It's called Capitol Reef because there's a rock formation that
looks like the US Capitol Building.
We didn't stay long because we were getting a bit tired of the
brown thing and wanted to get on with other activities. So that
morning we walked along the Grand
Wash, failed in our attempt to locate the Butch Cassidy
arch, and headed out.
Utah Arch, Arches National Park.
Yoko wanted to do to Arches. She really wanted to go to
Arches. So, we went
to Arches. Everybody
goes to Arches. They were all
Arches National Park.
And we arched.
On the way out we decided to take a look at a nearby ghost town off
of I70. I guess
I expected something out of the movies. What we got to see was a bunch
of run down old buildings. Some guy was sitting in front of what used
to be a house. I gather he is the ghost.
Drove US6 from I70 to Provo. The Pizza Hut in Price sure hit
the spot.