This website concerns: African American history -- especially historic and current connections with Native Americans-- and social history of the American Mid-West, family history, and commemorating Kansas history.



(NOTICE:  For viewers using a computer, all the links should open, perhaps in “a new frame,” But, for any that does not open,  try using  a control+click procedure. Then, look at the top of your screen for that new frame and click on it. These links should also open on an I-Phone.

To join the KIAANAFH download and fill out this  form and send any now voluntary dues and/or contribution
($25/yr is has been our dues in the past) to our Treasurer.
Make checks payable to “KIAANAFH” -
contributions & membership payments are tax deductable!


The National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) is proud to present the next page from Our American Story, an online series for Museum supporters. We offer these stories to honor and celebrate the African American experience, share an immensely rich history and culture, and inspire and sustain our community as we move toward the future together.

The Second Great Awakening, an early 19th-century religious revival in the United States, marked an era of transformation for America and a new path forward for Jarena Lee. Born into a free Black family in Cape May, New Jersey, in 1783, Lee navigated the intense religiosity and social reformation of her time to emerge as the nation’s first African American woman preacher and the first woman to be recognized as an evangelist in the male-dominated African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church.

WEBLINK TO THE MUSEUM (copy the following into your browser)






In memory of our beloved Vice-President, the late Rev. Robert L. Baynham:




Obituary Image


Rev. Robert Louis Baynham


May 29, 1936 ~ January 23, 2022 (age 85)


Obituary   Reflections of Life

          Dr Robert L. Baynham, a native of Kansas City, MO, passed away January 23, 2022. He was God’s servant that was very passionate about winning the lost and educating people about God’s word. He was born on May 29, 1936, at General Hospital to Samantha M. Barnes and shared this special day with his twin sister Roberta L. Baynham

          Dr Baynham attended school in the Kansas City, Missouri school district and graduated from R.T. Coles Vocational School. He furthered his education, attending Western Baptist Bible College Kansas City, Mo, Allen County Community College Iola, KS where he received his AA Degree, Ottawa University Ottawa, KS where he received his Bachelor’s Degree, Central Baptist Seminary Kansas City, Mo where he received his Masters of Divinity, University of Central America Kansas City, MO where he received his Doctor of Religious Education and he received an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity Degree from the Western Baptist Bible College Kansas City, MO.

          Dr Baynham married Joanna L Jackson on July 22, 1956, and to their union five daughters and one son were born: Pamela, Denise, Robert Jr, Rebecca, Nina, and Rachel.


OTHER FEATURED KIAANAFH  supporters, members & past Board members.

Dr. Amber Reagan-Kendrick

Online Instructor for English/Subject Matter Expert --Lawrence, Kansas

Amber Reagan-Kendrick

Dr. Amber Reagan-Kendrick says: “If most of your stuff is in the wash, wear pajamas, but accessorize.”

She has an interesting mix of AA and NA ancestors, and reports the following about this: “My DNA ancestry exhibits only 3 percent of Native ancestry, which is disappointing. My cousins have more than I.   My family’s history is not as rich as … other folks I have researched. According to my DNA ancestry, I am also 41 percent African and 56 percent White. My father was a White man who acknowledged and loved me (I was the “favorite”)… I have two half brothers (one Black and still living), another full Black brother deceased, and three half-sisters. That makes seven of us by my Dad. My mother’s people were poor and uneducated. My grandmother got as far as fifth grade and my mother had to drop out of high school. She retired from domestic service. I grew up in South Central LA and Orange County. I finally realized that there are class differences among us Black folk, and I am in the lower class. My mother-in-law pointed out this to me since I had to learn social skills as I grew as a person. The amazing thing about me is that my mother taught me to read at age four. Even more amazing is that I achieved my doctorate. I am an example of a first-generation college graduate.

My great grandmother was the American Indian mixed with White blood, hence that six percent from my mom’s side, and this is probably why I have less Native blood since my cousins are not infused with as much White blood in their veins. I do have regrets, however, that I could never really write or publish my research. Life happened for me.”

Exerpts from her University of Kansas biography : Amber Reagan-Kendrick earned her bachelors in English and Spanish from Sam Houston State University. She went on to earn both her masters in English and her doctorate in American Studies from the University of Kansas. She was Dean of Student and Community Services at Donnelly College before working at Ottawa University as assistant professor in English and a senior adviser at the Adawe Life Plan Center.

Dr. A. R-K PERSONAL PAPERS This collection consists of dissertation interviews conducted by Amber Reagan-Kendrick while studying at the University of Kansas. It contains responses from approximately 66 alumni discussing life as African American students at the University of Kansas through the decades. Questions center on topics from extracurricular activities to Greek life, athletics, housing, academia, and awards. Graduation dates of participants began in 1928 and ended in 1995

Related Materials  Reagan-Kendrick, Amber. "Ninety Years of Struggle and Access: African American History at the University of Kansas." PhD. dissertation, University of Kansas. American Studies, 2004. Located at Spencer Research Library and Anschutz Library at Diss 2004 R2879.


Other Featured items:


Recent CSPAN program on the history of the
U.S. NativeAmerican Boarding Schools programs

Program from Aug. 21 2022: click on the link in the program title below, for access to the posted online recording of this important program:


Interior Secretary & Native Leaders Testify on Indian Boarding Schools      2 hours, 5 minutes

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland and Indian leaders testified about the damage done by federal Native American boarding schools created to acculturate native children starting in the 1870s. The witnesses told the Senate Indian Affairs Committee how the schools resulted in a loss of culture and language for tribes across the U.S., and they spoke about ways Congress could better assist tribal nations in sharing this history and repairing the damage done by removing native children from their parents.

========= For a general listing of CSPAN programs, go onlineto the CSPAN webpage.



Email re current tribal membership issues;

TO: AAHGS-NE Members
From: Beverly Hector-Smith Sent: Mon, Jul 18, 2022 6:29 pm
Subject: When Tribal Nations Expel Their Black Members | The New Yorker




"Last year, the Cherokee Supreme Court ruled that the Cherokee Nation must remove the phrase “by blood” from its constitution and its laws. In the court’s opinion, Justice Shawna Baker wrote, “Freedmen rights are inherent. They extend to descendants of Freedmen as a birthright springing from their ancestors’ oppression and displacement as people of color recorded and memorialized in Article 9 of the 1866 Treaty.” The ruling followed a 2017 U.S. district-court decision that affirmed freedpeople’s rights under the same treaty. Despite continued controversy, many heralded the change as a manifestation of Cherokee sovereignty, expressing an Indigenous political will to attend to a troubled past. Certain members of the Five Tribes have quietly voiced similar sentiments, and a comparable decision may lie in the Muscogees’ future. Such a reversal can no longer provide solace to Johnnie Mae Austin, but there are others who share her experience of exclusion—others who still check their mailboxes for the return of a tribal newsletter."



Other newspaper stories!

from NewYork Times Dec. 28, 2021 :

Members of the Nez Perce tribe tracking endangered salmon in Idaho.Tamir Kalifa for The New York Times


  • A plan to mine for green-energy materials in the American West could devastate tribal lands where Native Americans live, hunt and pray.

ALSO, another aspect of NA history that needs to be remembered:


From   Boston Globe  5/2/2021     Tribes grapple with their role in slavery

By Sean Murphy, Associated Press

OKLAHOMA CITY — As the United States faces a reckoning over its history of racism, some Native American tribal nations that once enslaved people also are reckoning with their mistreatment of Black people.

When Native American tribes were forced from their ancestral homelands in the southeastern United States to what is now Oklahoma in the 1800s — known as the Trail of Tears — thousands of Black slaves owned by tribal members also were removed and forced to provide manual labor along the way. Once in Oklahoma, enslaved people often toiled on plantation-style farms or were servants in tribal members’ homes.

Nearly 200 years later, many of the thousands of descendants of those enslaved Black people, known as Freedmen, are still fighting to be recognized by the tribes that once owned their ancestors. The fight has continued since a Minneapolis police officer killed George Floyd last year and spurred a re-examination of the vestiges of slavery in the United States.

The Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muscogee (Creek), and Seminole nations were referred to historically as the Five Civilized Tribes, or Five Tribes, by European settlers because they often assimilated into the settlers’ culture, adopting their style of dress and religion, and even enslaving people. Each tribe also has a unique history with Freedmen, whose rights were ultimately spelled out in separate treaties with the United States.

Today, the Cherokee Nation is the only tribe that fully recognizes the Freedmen as full citizens, a decision that came in 2017 following years of legal wrangling. “I think that we are a better tribe for having not only embraced the federal court decision but embraced the concept of equality,’’ said Cherokee Nation Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr., a longtime supporter of citizenship rights for the Freedmen.

The Cherokee Nation, among the largest Native American tribes, has about 5,800 Freedmen citizens who have traced an ancestor on the tribe’s original Freedmen rolls in the late 19th century. When the federal government sought to break up tribal reservations into individual allotments after the Civil War, they created two separate tribal rolls — one for members with American Indian blood and one for Freedmen. In many cases, tribal citizens who appeared Black were placed on the Freedmen rolls, even if they had blood ties to the tribe.

Of the Five Tribes, only the Chickasaw Nation never agreed to adopt the Freedmen as citizens, according to the Oklahoma Historical Society.

The Wewoka-based Seminole Nation in particular faces fierce criticism after several Black tribal citizens were denied COVID-19 vaccines at a federally operated American Indian health clinic. The Seminole Nation says the decision about whether to provide vaccines to Seminole Freedmen rests with the IHS, not the tribe.

“To be clear, the Seminole Nation does not operate the Wewoka Indian Health Services clinic, has absolutely no policy oversight and was in no way involved with administering COVID-19 vaccines,’’ Seminole Nation Chief Greg Chilcoat said in a statement. The agency said in a statement that it was reviewing eligibility of Seminole Freedmen and will be working with the tribe to determine what services IHS will provide. Seminole Freedmen say they are also unable to receive services other tribal citizens get, including health care, tribal license plates and housing subsidies.




Implication for general U.S. race-relations of some of the history of  relationships between Blacks and Indians – click on this website link
MIT Panel on Minorities in the US



African Native American Genealogy Forum for all topics on Black/Indian connections, especially the recent controversies regarding restoration of historic citizenship rights for "Freedman"
Freedmen Descendants of the 5 Tribes website





Professor ROSALYN HOWARD was an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Central Florida (UCF). She specializes in Cultural Anthropology and her primary area of research is ethnohistorical studies of the African Diaspora with a focus on the interrelationships formed by African and Indigenous peoples in the Americas and the Caribbean. Dr. Howard has conducted extensive research among mixed Native-African populations in The Bahamas and Bermuda. Among her publications is the book entitled Black Seminoles in the Bahamas, an ethnographic study of the Black Seminole descendant community of Red Bays, Andros Island, Bahamas.

Dr. Howard is also a member of a public anthropology research project entitled “Looking for Angola” currently compiling archaeological, cultural, and archival evidence of an early 19th century Florida maroon community, formerly located near present-day Sarasota, Florida, which has a direct connection to Red Bays ( Prof. Howard is also a consultant to the Cultural Heritage tourism project (co-sponsored by the State of Florida and The Bahamas Ministries of Culture and Tourism) that connects the Red Bays community to the Gullah corridor of South Carolina and Georgia, and Fort Mose near St. Augustine, Florida.



NEARING PALENQUE: Reflections on Native America
– New and Selected Poems

by Tom Jones


(ISBN 978-0-931053-95-5)   $16.00
published by FootHills Publishing
P.O.Box 68
Kanona, NY 14856

This marvellous book contains many unusual poems by Tom Jones, some inspired by his family history.
Here is one, titled “UNCONQUERED AMERICANS”

“Great-grandmother shared the Salt Clan’s hideout

during Kit Carson’s war on Navajos, their land,

bluecoats torturing, murdering Diné:

torching peach orchards in Canyon de Chelly


Great-grandfather learned trails to secret pools

and grottos, hidden caves and ambush spots

in the ancient, sacred source Anglo-named

Grand Canyon, warrior with a free band”




OTHER featured NEWS

US Supreme Court favors Muscogee Creek  land claims
(click on NYTimes link BELOW for story)
Among its last rulings, the court handed Native Americans their biggest legal victory in decades when it ruled that much of eastern Oklahoma had long been a reservation of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. For the Muscogee citizens, the win was deeply personal      For for the NYTimes story, click here.









“Considered one of the most important African American architect in the United States, Charles McAfee of Wichita, Kansas, has used architecture to create opportunities for African Americans and make social commentary about racial inequality.” (The History Makers)  To visit several websites featuring  Charles McAfee, open this file, CLICK HERE
and if links don’t open with control-click, copy webaddresses into your browser address

Edith Walker’s Kansas pioneer family
click Here  for Matin's introduction of Edith Walker,
click here for Edith Walker's presentation.


Some HARDIN and JOHNSON FAMILIES of Leavenworth, KS background



Johnson and Hardin families


“The Leavenworth Johnsons” descend from a “Madagascar woman” enslaved in Vicksburg Mississippi, whose daughter “Betty” (from Elizabeth)  had a son Joseph, and  a daughter Carrie (from Catherine), fathered perhaps by a member of the owner  Butler family headed by the slave-owning physician to local Native Americans.

Joseph, who married Hattie McClanahan, had many children, including Myrtle, who married Carl Russle Hardin, from whom the Hardin family of Michigan and California descend.   Joseph and Hattie’s son Willard (Sr.) married Dorothy Stovall (of Humboldt KS)  from whom one branch of the Pasadena Johnsons descend.    Carrie also married a Johnson,  and had a son James  who married Florence (? Family name)  from whom Edward Johnson and his Pasadena family descend.

The Hardin descendants  have teamed with some of Edward Johnson descendants to self-published an interesting photo book of  “The Leavenworth Johnsons,” 




Key early Community-building African American organizations and people of
North-East Kansas City, KS:
 by the late Rev. Robert L. Baynham,
former Pastor of the Metropolitan Church
for video, click here



The "Bleeding Kansas Heritage Area Project"
now transformed into the
Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area (click here for its website)





Obituary about a prominent member of a Wichita family
June Bacon-Bercey, pathbreaking TV meteorologist, dies at 90.

She was a pathbreaking meteorologist with Wichita roots |


 [From The Wichita Eagle, January 9 2020 ,   Local Obituaries, original copy from obituary By Daniel E. Slotnik,  
New York Times   January 08, 2020] Undated photo provided via Dail St.Claire

  In an undated photo provided via Dail St.Claire, June Bacon-Bercey. Bacon-Bercey, who by many accounts became the first African-American woman to deliver the weather on television as a trained meteorologist, died on July 3, 2019, at a care facility in Burlingame, Calif., her family announced recently. She was 90. (via Dail St.Claire via The New York Times) -- NO SALES; FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY WITH NYT STORY BACON-BERCEY OBIT BY DANIEL E. SLOTNIK FOR JAN. 7, 2020. ALL OTHER USE PROHIBITED. --

June Bacon-Bercey was the first African American woman to deliver weather forecasts on American television as a trained meteorologist. Before her marriage, she had studied math at Friends University in Wichita before earning bachelor’s and master’s degrees in meteorology from the University of California, Los Angeles, in the mid-1950s. After graduating, she worked at the National Meteorological Center in Washington and then for the Atomic Energy Commission and the Sperry Rand Corp. In 1979 she earned a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Southern California’s journalism school. She was one of the African American pioneers on television, irrespective of gender.

In 1972, the American Meteorological Society awarded Bacon-Bercey its “Seal of Approval,” given for excellence in on-air meteorology. She was the first African American and the first woman to receive that honor.   A year later, she left WGR to become a public speaker. She later worked for the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.   She has also personally endowed a scholarship through the American Geophysical Union for women to study atmospheric sciences.         For the full obituary story         click here





Quotes from Jack D Forbes book:  AFRICANS AND NATIVE AMERICANS: The Language of Race and the Evolution of Red-Black Peoples, University of Illinois Press  1993  
(p270-3) “By the nineteenth century it seems quite certain that Afroamericans, (sic) whether living in Latin America, the Caribbean or in North America, had absorbed considerable amounts of Native American ancestry.  Similarly, many North American and circum-Carobbean (sic) native groups had absorbed varying amounts of African ancestry, from New England to the entire rim of Central and South America... [they] might have varying amounts of African and American ancestry derived at different intervals and from extremely diverse sources – as from American nations as different as the Narragansett or Pequot and the Carib or Arawak, or from African nations as diverse as the Mandinka, Yoruba, and Malagasy.”



Honoring Native American Heritage Month in Oklahoma

Tuesday, November 19, 2019     Re: Cherokee Nation  items on this commemoration,  click on next link for website of   November is a significant time for the Cherokee Nation and other tribal nations across the United States. This is the time that we commemorate (click > for online story) Native American Heritage Month.


VIDEO  of the Humboldt, Kansas ceremony from June, 2000, commemorating "THE GREAT ESCAPE" of Indians and Blacks over "The Trail of Blood on Ice" from "Indian Territory" (now Oklahoma) to Kansas. This 1861/2 flight was led by the Muskogee leader Opothleyahola and reflected  a "comrades in arms" collaboration  between many thousands of Native Americans and hundreds of African Americans to escape slavery and/or the Confederacy.

 Click here for the introduction to our DVD on the complete ceremony. Please note that all the video footage on this ceremony is under copyright protection by the KIAANAFH and may not legally be reproduced without our permission. Click HERE for video footage of the opening of the ceremony and the speech by the Muskogee Creek Indian Nation's Principal Chief, Mr. R. Perry Beaver, and the first half of the presensation by KIAANAFH President Prof. Willard R Johnson. CLICK HERE for the completion of Johnson's presentation, and other speakers about the experience of the refugees.
CLICK HERE for PART THREE to continue the presentations by descendants of the refugees and of some of the principal figures in the story of the Great Escape.

CLICK HERE for PART FOUR to complete the presentations by descendants, including direct descendants of Opothleyahola and other leaders of that time. (See near the very bottom of this web page for more material on this event.)

More information on the GREAT ESCAPE program is near the bottom of this website.



The Fort Scott KS family members for Mr.  Lyle Gibson

Eliza Mayhew,  born 1808


John C Pendergrass - 10th Calvarey



For blog re his film on Lyle Gibson’s family history project: click here

for the family history narrative
and for related photos
control click here  and    control click here 


FEATURED  ARTICLES Sharice Davids, a citizen of the Ho-Chunk Nation, won the Democratic primary for a Congressional seat in Kansas.

 (control+click here) Another Native woman advances in historic year for Native candidates

For profile and record of Congresswoman Davids click here




Edith Walker’s Kansas pioneer family
click here for Matin's introduction of Edith Walker,

and click here for Edith Walker's presentation.

Regarding the Sims family, the McAfee family, and others of Wichita:
by Mr. Charles McAfee, of McAfee3Architects Co
. for video click here

Regarding The  African American communities of North-East Kansas City, KS:
 by Rev. Robert L. Baynham
for video, click here

“Pompey” Fixico (descendant of Caesar Bruner of the Seimonle/Creek/Mascogos) regarding their relevance to Blacks in Mexico, as well as  Cinco de Mayo” celebrations: click the following link FEATURED online – BLOG ENTRYs

or copy the following text into your web browser location window


For a subsequent entry on similar issue, try typing this address into your browser >   https://refixico.wordpress.com_2018_alliances-gullah-geechee-seminole-maroons-mascogo-maroons-john-horse-carl-nelsons-woldc-news-and-fort-negros-fixico/
Selected video footage from two special panels presented at the 2017 60th Annual National Conference of the U.S. African Studies Association, featuring the career of Dr. Willard R. Johnson  This footage starts with fourth segment  of the full set of videos, and is  located at    this segment should be  advanced to start at about  the 25:25  marker point, to start with  the first part of Dr. Vivian R. Johnson discussion of Willard’s and her work on genealogy regarding Kansas ancestors and related social history. View on to the finish of that segmen Note:  the first photo, of “Bettie,” is NOT of “The Madagascar Woman” but rather her daughter. We have no name or photo of the Madagascan.. In the next segment, the statue for the First Kansas Colored Regiment is located in Missouri] Then continue on the next segment, at  This segment ends with remarks by Willard.  His discussion continues of the final  segment:  at   and includes  audience remarks  and questions  including remarks by former  American and African students and associates of Willard, and remarks and questions  by Dr. Adekeye Adebajo of the University of Johannesburg who heads  their  Institute of Pan-African Thought and Conversation. 

Next is footage regarding from Willard R. Johnson’s presentation to Univ. of Johannesburg Conference organized by Dr. Adebajo, called “The Pan-African Pantheon,  regarding the contributions to Pan-Africanism of Mr. Harry Belafonte  For an extensive excerpt from this presentation-- click here

* *  *

Interview with noted, now retired and Florida based physician Dr. Joseph K. Hurd, MD,  regarding his many generations of Kansas family history! For an online"You-tube" record of this interview click here, and then use the "play all" box at top left! 
-----Dr. Joseph K. Hurd ---------------and one of his----- Willingham ancestors-----



November 14, 2015 ---- Unity Church of Wichita, KS
co-sponsored by UNITY Of Wichita, and the KIAANAFH


Some key African American Humboldt KS families:
by Dr. Willard R. Johnson, retired MIT Professor -
Introduction by Ms Wilma Moore-Black, Wichita State Upward Bound Program Director
(facilitated by the MIT Department of Political Science)
for a video of the introduction and W. Johnson's presentation click here
(ignore any YouTube ads, they are not by KIAANAFH)
for the second part of Johnson,
click here
for final part of Johnson's presentation,
click here

The George and Catherine Walker family, by Edith Walker
for video of Ms E. Walker's presentation click here

The Brown Family: by Ms. Shelia Brown-Kinnard, Educator for this video, click here

The Sexton Family: by Dr. Eric Sexton, V.P. Wichita State Univ. for presentation click here
for video of audience discussion of this family
this link for the video

The Sims Family, the McAfee family, and others of Wichita:
by Mr. Charles McAfee, of McAfee3Architects Co.
for video click here

final discussion video 1 and video 2


October 31, 2015 -- Metropolitan Baptist Church, KC, Kansas
(This forum was co-sponsored by the Kansas Humanities Council)

Master of Ceremonies, Ms. Geri Sanders

Ms Angela Bates presented on the historic Black town of Nicodemus:
we have no video of the presentation itself, but here is a
video on the Q&A discussion

Quindaro: history and commemorative quilts, by Ms. Nedra Bonds
5 videos on this presentation and discussion
1st part of Bonds speech , 2nd part of Bonds speech ,
QnA 1st part
, QnA 2nd part , QnA final part

 Key Community Building orgs and people of NorthEast Kansas Ciity, KS:
 by Rev. Robert L. Baynham
for video, click here  (repeat entry from that featured near beginning of this webpage)

Gordon Parks: by Charles McAfee, Architect
for video on the main presentation, click here;
for video of discussion, click here.

Watch this space for future posting of more videos from this forum


video -- Concepts of citizenship relevant to Blacks with Indians
(This 2 hour panel from February 2011 at M.I.T. incluudes a 20+ minute talk by Willard R. Johnson ---for his talk, after starting the video, move the location mark to start at 1hr 17 minutes.)

Top of Form


Bottom of Form

“Out of the shadows:
Notable African American families
and sites of Mid-America”

Saturday, August 25, 2012 -- 10am to 2pm
at The Black Archives of Mid-America
1722 E. 17th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64108

Sponsored by The KIAANAFH (with partial support by FFNHA, the Black Archives of Mid-America,
and the M.I.T. Political Science Dept.)

Top of Form

The stories we discussed concerned the families in the Kansas and Missouri area that settled here before 1950.
We hope to help our children and grandchildren take pride in their family’s heritage.
We aim to bring prominence to our stories by making them known to the thousands of tourists who, in coming years,
will visit the U.S. National Park Service’s project called Freedom’s Frontier National Heritage Area (FFNHA).

We also discussed important but still all too little known places and people in KS/MO history, such as:
o Dr. George Washington Carver: scientist, educator, inventor, artist, born in MO, product of KS education.
o Sarah Rector: the richest Black woman in the US, perhaps the world of her time, who was a resident of KC.
o Bishop John Andrew Greg: who was a noted educator, U.S. diplomat, AME church leader, resident of KC, KS.
o Melvin B. Tolson: educator, labor organizer, civic leader, coach of the famous “Great Debaters,” resident of KC, MO.
o Polly Crossilin: Black Seminole/Creek Indian founder of the Colored Church (Poplar Grove) of Humboldt, KS.
o The role Sumner High School of Kansas City in producing many African American leaders.
o Contributions of the region's African American women's clubs and organizations.
o The contributions of the early local African American churches.
o Stories and sites introduced by the participants.

Speakers included:
Ms. Julie McPike, Project Coordinator, FFNHA
Mr. Chester Owens, former member of KC, KS City Council
Mr. Robert Farnsworth, historian and biographer of Melvin B. Tolson
Dr. Doretha Williams, Executive Director of the Black Archives of Mid-America
Ms. Geraldlyn Sanders, Assistant to the President of the KC Art Institute, activist in M.A.G.I.C., KIAANAFH Board
Dr. Khadijah Matin, former National President Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, KIAANAFH Board
Rev. Robert L. Baynham, Pastor of the Metropolitan Baptist Temple in KC, KS, KIAANAFH Vice President
Dr. Willard R. Johnson, retired Professor of Political Science at MIT and KIAANAFH President
Ms. Edith Walker, math teacher at the Commonwealth School in Boston, KIAANAFH Treasurer
Ms. Deborah Tucker, retired librarian, Wayne State University, KIAANAFH Board


For "YouTube" based VIDEOS of this forum click on the following links.

Click here for the first 4 presentations --the Forum Introduction by Dr. Khadijah Matin, the explanation of the FFNHA project by Ms. Julie McPike, the introduction to Sarah Rector story by Ms. Geraldlyn Sanders, and discussions by Mr. Chester Owens of AME Bishop Gregg, and the first part of the Sumner High School story.

Click here for the continuation of Mr. Owens' presentation regarding Sumner High School, followed by Robert Farnsworth on the many contributions of "The Great Debater's" coach, Melvin Tolson.

Click here for the video clip of Khadijah Matin's presentation on her Nebraska pioneer family's Kansas experience, followed by Deborah Tucker's discussion of the life and achievements of Dr. George Washington Carver, and then the first part of the presentation by Ms Doretha Williams about early women's clubs in Kansas; AND

Click here for the end of the Williams presentation on women's clubs, and the first half of the presentation by Rev. R.L. Baynham regarding the early development of Black churches in Kansas, and click here for the rest of that presentation by Rev. Baynham;
click here for Matin's introduction of Edith Walker, and click here for Edith Walker's presentation about her pioneer family in Kansas.

For a video of the presentation and related photos regarding "Aunt Polly" Crosslin, by W.R. Johnson click here
To continue with a few more sites and photos relating to this presentation click here.


Bottom of Form

African Native American Genealogy Forum for all topics on Black/Indian connections, especially the recent controversies regarding restoration of historic citizenship rights for "Freedman"
Freedmen Descendants of the 5 Tribes website

"Muskogee Creek Indian Freedmen Band" organization
-- for their 2015 Conference speakers
click here

"Creek Freedman" Organization

Concepts of citizenship relevant to Blacks and Indians
(this 2 hour panel incluudes a 15 minute talk by Willard R. Johnson regarding Blacks and Indians (start the video, and to hear only Johnson's presentation, move the location marker to 1hr 17 min. mark into the video)

For current news from an Indian nations perspective, click here

National Congress of Black American Indians  launched in July 2014---
for the Indianz News article on this event, click here

As mentioned above regarding the present form of The "Bleeding Kansas Heritage Area Project" for 
Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area (click here for its website) – and --

(for information on ALL the Heritage Areas, click here

Black Archives of Mid-America

BLACK PAST: African American History through people and places;
see especially the vignette of Seminole Chiefs
Billy Bowleg (Halpata & Sonaki Micco)

National Resources for doing genealogy on African Americans and Native Americans

AfroAmerican Historical and Genealogy Society

Afrigeneas - genealogy and history site

The Kansas African American Museum -- Wichita

Mid West Indian Center Wichita

Heart of America Indian Center KC MO

National American Indian Museum

Regarding the historic underground railroad site at the Quindaro Ruins:
listen to an interesting radio interview on the KC Currents show at KCUR (brought to our attention by Marvin S. Robinson II)                        

For an earlier Los Angeles Times archive article on the Quindaro Ruins site: Click here




This is by the Author of the best-selling books: Cane River, and Red River

We very seldom impose on our contacts to call attention to commercial products, however relevant they may be to the common interests of the visitors to this website. However, having read this book (and, indeed all her previous ones) and having discussed it with her throughout much of its development, and finding it truly an extraordinarily informative, moving, historically well-grounded in the available facts, and brilliantly rendered work of historical fiction – we feel confident in recommending it to our members and friends. This is a very important story about Cow Tom and his family, his close associates (such as Harry Island) and owner (Chief Yargee) . Tom and Island were among the most famous and consequential of the Black interpreters for the Creek, Seminole, and Cherokee Native American nations, during the period of the “Indian removals” and American Civil War. Such a story has ramifications for relations between many African Americans and Native Americans today. It was published by Atria Books division of Simon and Shuster, Inc. We recommend this book to a wide range of readers - those who enjoy engrossing fiction, or a good multigenerational family story, or important but still rather overlooked aspects of American history.
You can ORDER Citizens Creek through Amazon at
this webiste or through the author's website, just click through any of the links there
(Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or an independent bookseller) For more information, also see the website   or


Also consider the book that records a very relevant 2009 exhibit at
The National Museum of Native Americans, Washington D.C.

you can order this book from the Smithsonian Stores:
phone 1-800-331-3761, or online at  
or search by this     ISBN: 978-1-58834-271-3




* Transcription of a “breakout session” panel at the 57 th Annual Session of the National Council of American Indians that focussed on "The Legacy and Future of  Black/Indian Relations."  The session was organized by former Cherokee Principal Chief Wilma Mankiller, with the assistance of Dr. Willard R. Johnson and the KIAANAFH. The transcription was rendered by Dr. Johnson and is published for posting here and in print by the KIAANAFH. Click on this link for the transcription of this NCAI session on BLACK/ INDIAN RELATIONS - TRANSCRIPT.       You may  download and print this transcription for personal, classroom,  civic organizational or other strictly non-commercial uses only. 

For an extensive bibliography and resource list developed by participants in this panel under the leadership of Chief Mankiller and Dr. Patrick Minges, click the next link
click here for Bibglioraphy on historic connections between African Americans and Native Americans

For more regarding THE GREAT ESCAPE CEREMONY click > "Tracing Trails of Blood on Ice: The Great Escape" of  Indians and Blacks into Kansas."  Also  Click the next link for text and photo material relating to this   ceremony! 

 (click here for estimated route of the escape)


You may order a copy of our DVD of the complete ceremony, -- $20 for members, plus $4 shipping. $30 plus shipping for non-members.

The Negro History Bulletin of Jan.-Dec. 2001 (Vol. 64) carried an article by Willard R. Johnson regarding this story . Click here for a text only copy of this individual article for non-commercial use. The whole issue containing this article and teaching guides may be purchased through the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, publications archive website:  ASAALH publication archive store

*KIAANAFH also contributed to the planning for the original "Bleeding Kansas Heritage Area" project, including the LeRoy Kansas Opothleyahola Memorial site that is part of that tour area, as part of a 4-county Heritage Tour area that was inspired by and based on the story commemorated in KIAANAFH's June 2000 "Great Escape" ceremony, called "Tracing Trails of Blood on Ice." Video footage of this entire ceremony is featured at the beginning of this webpage, above.

--- for a photograph and more information on the LeRoy site, click here---

The whole trail will be part of the Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area mentioned above.


* Seminars/exhibitions on pioneer African American families in the Southeast Kansas area with principal funding support from the Kansas Humanities Council.

 * Round-Table discussions within the Kansas based African American communities to document the connections the various episodes of forced removal of Native American nations from the South Eastern United States during the 1830s “Trail of Tears."

  * A workshop among families that participated in the round-table programs together with experts and officials from the National Archives and Records Administration (from Washington DC and Ft. Worth TX offices) devoted to documentation for connections between the African- and Native- American peoples.


* CHEROKEE NATION CENSUS (1869/1870): transcription of a Cherokee pension census commissioned in 1869, and supervised by Capt. J. W. Craig. It records ALL known residents in the territory of The Cherokee Nation (Indian Territory/Oklahoma) including colored persons, whether citizens or not, and intruders. This census was submitted to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in Dec. 1871 by F. E. Foster, Sp. Agent in the Pension Office. It had been lost in the National Archives since 1871.


The KIAANAFH is an independent, non-profit, membership organization founded in 1991 to promote the preservation, documentation, and appreciation of family identity, traditions, and achievements of the members of the African American and Native American communities of the Mid-West United States.  The KIAANAFH aims to assist families which have a greater Kansas area regional base of ancestral roots and perhaps widely scattered branches, to know, preserve, strengthen and celebrate their own achievements.

The KIAANAFH was founded by persons whose parents or grandparents were/are still resident in Kansas, or whose current work is associated with the study and preservation of historical material relating to Kansas.  Many of them represent mixtures of African American and Native American descent, or have "Freedman," and/or “comrade in arms” connections with Native American peoples. Many of them are academicians, in a variety of fields, who can help identify and mobilize resources to assist families to document themselves more fully and to preserve their important memorabilia. In particular, they aim to improve the resource base for revealing and commemorating the often neglected and difficult to document aspects of African American and Native American genealogical and historical relationships.

(Logo items: K=haystack, I=eye floating eye of inquiry, 2As=African pyramids, N+A= “teepees” F= head of family headdress, H=ancestral fan.In the list of KIAANAFH leadership the  Kansas area ancestral city of relevance is in parentheses.)


To join the KIAANAFH
 download and fill out this  form and send any voluntary contribution ( $25/yr has been our usual dues)  to our Treasurer. ( Make checks payable to “KIAANAFH” -- plese note that contributions and membership payments ARE  tax deductible)

Dr. Willard R. Johnson
(Humboldt & Leavenworth, KS)
For Program matters, contact him at the following address:
Prof. Willard R. Johnson
Building E53, Room 367
Massachusetts Institute of Technology ,
Cambridge, MA 02139

For legal matters, contact our

Resident Agent Mr. Eric Kirkwood
(Kansas City, KS) former College and program administrator.   Contact  at:
2530 N. 54th St.
Kansas City, KS  66104

VICE PRESIDENT [now vacant, formerly, the late:]

Rev. Robert  L. Baynham
Pastor, Metropolitan Baptist Church

Kansas City, KS (born in Kansas City, MO) ] 

For Payments (voluntary deductible membership, or deductible contribution) send to:
Ms. Edith Walker
retired Secondary School Math Teacher (Hugoton, KS)

 Contact at:

 Ms. Edith Walker,
492 Beacon St. # 76,
 Boston MA 02115



Rev. Dr. Khadijah Matin


Brooklyn, NY

(Topeka Kansas, Nebraska)


Mr. Charles F. McAfee

Architect (Wichita, KS)


Ms. Geri Sanders

former College administrator

now Archivist,

Black Archives of Mid-America

(Kansas City, MO)


Ms. Deborah Tucker

retired college librarian

Adamany Undergraduate Library

Wayne State University