Upcoming Concerts
Fall Concert: Our Fall season concert will be held at 7pm on Sunday, December 15 at the Harvard-Epworth United Methodist Church, 1555 Massachusetts Avenue, Harvard Square, Cambridge. Free admission, donations accepted. Featuring music of Edward Elgar, Hans Leo Hassler, Darius Lim, Sarah Quartel, Zanaida Stewart Robles, Tomas Luis de Victoria, Eric Whitacre, and other songs of the season. See directions and parking suggestions below.
Previous concerts
Click on the linked titles below to hear the concert recording.
DEC 2022
Nhung Truong, Conductor
Leona Cheung, Pianist
Daniel Mahoney, Conductor
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Kevin J.N. Galiè, J.D., M.M., Conductor
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Directions to the Concert and Parking
Harvard-Epworth United Methodist Church is located at 1555 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, opposite the north end of the Cambridge Common, and is about a 7-8 minute walk from the Harvard Sq. Red Line exit. (Please use crossing lights!)
The church can be reached by the #77 bus, which runs about every 17 min or less min at the time of our concert. Bus. The church is at the first stop (Jarvis St) as the bus exits the underground busway, Harvard Sq.
Coming from Arlington/N. Cambridge, get off at the last stop before the bus enters the tunnel (Waterhouse St.) and cross the street carefully.
Harvard visitor parking will be available to our guests by on-line pre-purchase. You may purchase parking starting about a week before the concert or shortly thereafter. It is recommended that you not purchase your parking in a last-minute rush as it takes a bit of time to work through the Harvard website. The cost is $12 for the day.
Click the link above, then choose "Visitor." Register for an account using your vehicle information. After you have logged in, click "search Parking." In the "reason for visiting" popup box, scroll to the very bottom and choose "other," and then proceed. On the next page, your destination will be Harvard Sq. Choose the concert date for both the From and To dates. From the Permit Type dropdown menu, choose "Weekend."
You will also have to choose a parking lot or garage. We recommend the 52 Oxford Street garage (an underground garage with generally plenty of available spaces) which is accessible by taking a right off of Mass Ave onto Everett Street (first street north of the church), continuing through the lights and following the road to the attendant's booth.
It's a good walk from the garage to the church, so leave yourself an extra 10 min or so to park and get there.
Permits must be purchased prior to arrival at the parking facility, and must be displayed at all times when parked on campus. Payment may be made by credit card. Permits may not be purchased over the phone. For troubleshooting purchasing, see Harvard Parking's FAQs page.
Public Parking Lots
Last updated
December 12, 2024