Principal investigators, senior research staff, post-docs, graduate students, group alums, undergraduate students, and visting researchers.
Principal investigators, senior research staff, post-docs, graduate students, group alums, undergraduate students, and visting researchers.
MIT Professor of Physics and EECS; Principal Investigator, MIT RLE Quanta Group.
Prof. Chuang is a pioneer in the field of quantum information science. His experimental realization of two, three, five, and seven quantum bit quantum computers using nuclear spins in molecules provided the first laboratory demonstrations of many important quantum algorithms, including Shor's quantum factoring algorithm. The error correction, algorithmic cooling, and entanglement manipulation techniques he developed provide new ways to obtain complete quantum control over light and matter, and lay a foundation for possible large-scale quantum information processing systems.
Prof. Chuang came to MIT in 2000 from IBM, where he was a research staff member. He received his doctorate in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, where he was a Hertz Foundation Fellow. Prof. Chuang also holds two bachelors and one masters degrees in Physics and Electrical Engineering from MIT, and was a post-doctoral fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the University of California at Berkeley. He is the author, together with Michael Nielsen, of the textbook Quantum Computation and Quantum Information.
Senior Technical Staff at Lincoln Laboratory; Principal Investigator at MIT.
John Chiaverini is a Senior Technical Staff member at MIT Lincoln Laboratory where he leads the trapped-ion team, and he is a Principal Investigator in MIT's RLE. His current research interests include architectures, integrated technologies, and new methodologies for trapped-ion quantum information processing. John did postdoctoral research at NIST in Boulder and was a staff member at Los Alamos National Lab before coming to Lincoln and MIT. He received his PhD in physics from Stanford University and his BS in physics from Case Western Reserve University. [john.chiaverini_[at]]
MIT post-doctoral researcher.
Interests: quantum algorithms and quantum error correction, electronic structure theory, chemical physics. yuanliu_[at]
MIT post-doctoral researcher.
Interests: experiments with trapped ions, precision measurements, quantum networks, quantum sensing, and quantum information processing. eclement_[at]
MIT post-doctoral researcher.
Goal: quantum simulation using error-corrected universal fermion-boson quantum computers. Works towards theoretical aspects of this with circuit QED, ion traps, donors in silicon, etc. Enjoys adventures, whatever the nature. Grew up in a superposition of England and France. emc2_[at]
MIT PhD Student with the Quanta Group.
Focused on experiment (metastable qubits, omg architecture, qudits) and related theory. I carry out my experiments primarily at MIT Lincoln Laboratory with John Chiaverini's ion trapping group, but collaborate closely with the MIT campus efforts as well. I'm interested in new qubit (and qudit) encoding schemes and how to manipulate them. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, playing the saxophone, and watching Ohio State football.[debry_[at]]
MIT PhD Student with the Quanta Group.
Interested in the theory of quantum computation and quantum computing assisted sensing. [arkopal_[at]]
MIT PhD Student with the Quanta Group.
I am an experimentalist focused on integrating photonic devices into ion traps and using quantum information techniques to enhance quantum sensing. Beyond the lab, I aim to improve scientific communication. In my free time, you will find me cycling, skiing, climbing or competing in triathlons. [fwk_[at]]
MIT PhD Student with the Quanta Group.
I'm interested in developing computational methods for studying quantum systems, both with quantum algorithms (quantum signal processing, Hamiltonian simulation) and classical algorithms (tensor networks, quantum Monte Carlo, and machine learning). Outside of physics, I enjoy skateboarding and filmmaking. [jmmartyn_[at]]
MIT Graduate Researcher with the Quanta Group.
I am a current EECS master’s student (and former physics/CS undergraduate student) at MIT with a concentration in AI and machine learning. In lab, I previously worked on restoring the room-temperature ion-trap system to an operational state and then maintaining and operating it to run experiments. I now work on simulating trapped-ion systems, as well as designing and optimizing algorithms for quantum computing on such systems, for which I often employ machine learning. Outside of lab, I enjoy practicing dance; teaching science; listening to and playing music; learning languages (currently Japanese); solving MIT-Mystery-Hunt-type puzzles; watching anime and donghua; reading, especially science fiction; traveling to new places; and hiking on mountain trails. [gmintzer_[at]]
MIT PhD Student with the Quanta Group.
Interests: quantum algorithms, computational complexity, and adversarial models in quantum computation.
I am interested in developing new classes of quantum algorithms and proving concrete complexity separations for useful computational problems with an eye on relevance in the near-term. I want to answer questions about how can a quantum computer can efficiently prove it is solving a quantum problem specified (as specified), to a lower-power verifier, and further convert quantum information theoretic results to constructive proofs. [zmr_[at]]
MIT PhD Student with the Quanta Group.
Interests: quantum algorithms, quantum chemistry, and quantum sensing with trapped ions.
I am interested in developing new classes of quantum algorithms and proving concrete complexity separations for useful computational problems with an eye on relevance in the near-term. I want to answer questions about how can a quantum computer can efficiently prove it is solving a quantum problem specified (as specified), to a lower-power verifier, and further convert quantum information theoretic results to constructive proofs. [zmr_[at]]
MIT PhD Student with the Quanta Group.
Interests in trapped ion experiment; AMO physics; Quantum computing. [shix_[at]]
MIT PhD Student with the Quanta Group.
Interests: continuous variable quantum computing experiment/theory. [jsinanan_[at]]
MIT PhD Student with the Quanta Group.
My research primarily focuses on quantum computing and quantum information theory, specifically fault-tolerant and quantum error correction, entanglement and state purification. Additionally, I explore the connections between quantum information, many-body physics, AMO theory, and high-energy physics. As a Harbinite, I have a fondness for Boston's winters. In my free time, I enjoy conlanging, jamming on the piano with some jazz and classical tunes, eating, and hitting the tennis courts. [ladmon_[at]]
MIT PhD Student with the Quanta Group.
Theory. [johnblue_[at]]
MIT PhD Student with the Quanta Group.
Theory. [aktan_[at]]
MIT Undergraduate Student with the Quanta Group.
Interests: trapped ion experiments and continuous variable quantum computing (CVQC)
MIT Undergraduate Student with the Quanta Group.
Interests: theory
MIT Undergraduate Student with the Quanta Group.
Interests: working on experimental efforts with the MIT Lincoln Laboratory team
MIT Undergraduate Student with the Quanta Group.
Interests: experiment
MIT Undergraduate Student with the Quanta Group.
Interests: experiment
Former MIT post-doctoral researcher, now at NTT Research
Interests in condensed matter systems and the application of quantum information to ground state estimation by quantum computation.
Former MIT post-doctoral researcher with the Quanta Group, now a Senior Quantum Scientist at Oxford Ionics
Post-doc working on CVQC and metastable qubit experiments. B.S. Harvey Mudd (2012) / Ph.D. NIST Boulder (February 2020). Love to dig deep into the experimental weeds. In my free (?) time, I'm a fan of stress baking, kickboxing, and the X-Men. [stodaro_[at]]
Graduated MIT PhD Student with the Quanta Group, now CEO and co-founder at Cleanlab
Interests: Machine Learning, Weak Supervision, and Human Intelligence.
My research focuses on two goals: (1) dataset uncertainty estimation, (2) the synergy of artificial intelligence to augment human intelligence. To this end, I established confident learning, a family of theory and algorithms for characterizing, finding, and learning with label errors in datasets, and cleanlab, the official Python framework for machine learning and deep learning with noisy labels in datasets. Some of the places I've worked at include Google AI Research (2019), Oculus Research (2018), Amazon AI (2017), Facebook AI Research (2016), Microsoft Research (2014), MIT Lincoln Lab (2013), and NASA (2009). I enjoy mountaineering, hiking, biking, and rapping. My favorite rapper is PomDP the PhD rapper. [cgn_[at]]
Graduated MIT Masters Student with the Quanta Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, now with US Army Cyber
Interests: Experiment.
I am interested in identifying and measuring experimental noise sources in cryogenic trapped ion systems. [gsimon_[at]]
(Graduated) MIT PhD Student with the Quanta Group, now a post-doc at NIST Ion Storage
Interests: Experiments (Lincoln Laboratory)
I'm interested in applying classical technology in quantum applications, and I'm always wondering what gadgets we will be able to cram into an ion trap next. Outside of the lab, I enjoy checking out concerts, running and playing video games. [jstuart_[at]]
2023 © MIT RLE Quanta Group; MIT Bldg. 26.