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QCheckListItem Class Reference

The QCheckListItem class provides checkable list view items. More...

#include <qlistview.h>

Inherits QListViewItem.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Protected Members

Detailed Description

The QCheckListItem class provides checkable list view items.

QCheckListItems are used in QListViews to provide QListViewItems that are checkboxes, radio buttons or controllers.

Checkbox and controller check list items may be inserted at any level in a list view. Radio button check list items must be children of a controller check list item.

The item can be checked or unchecked with setOn(). Its type can be retrieved with type() and its text retrieved with text().

List View Items

See also QListViewItem, QListView, and Advanced Widgets.

Member Type Documentation


This enum type specifies a QCheckListItem's type:

Member Function Documentation

QCheckListItem::QCheckListItem ( QCheckListItem * parent, const QString & text, Type tt = Controller )

Constructs a checkable item with parent parent, text text and type tt. Note that a RadioButton must be the child of a Controller, otherwise it will not toggle.

QCheckListItem::QCheckListItem ( QCheckListItem * parent, QListViewItem * after, const QString & text, Type tt = Controller )

Constructs a checkable item with parent parent, which is after after in the parent's list of children, text text and type tt. . Note that a RadioButton must be the child of a Controller, otherwise it will not toggle.

QCheckListItem::QCheckListItem ( QListViewItem * parent, const QString & text, Type tt = Controller )

Constructs a checkable item with parent parent, text text and type tt. Note that this item must not be a RadioButton. Radio buttons must be children of a Controller.

QCheckListItem::QCheckListItem ( QListViewItem * parent, QListViewItem * after, const QString & text, Type tt = Controller )

Constructs a checkable item with parent parent, which is after after in the parent's list of children, text text and type tt. Note that this item must not be a RadioButton. Radio buttons must be children of a Controller.

QCheckListItem::QCheckListItem ( QListView * parent, const QString & text, Type tt = Controller )

Constructs a checkable item with parent parent, text text and type tt. Note that tt must not be RadioButton. Radio buttons must be children of a Controller.

QCheckListItem::QCheckListItem ( QListView * parent, QListViewItem * after, const QString & text, Type tt = Controller )

Constructs a checkable item with parent parent, which is after after in the parent's list of children, text text and type tt. Note that tt must not be RadioButton. Radio buttons must be children of a Controller.

QCheckListItem::QCheckListItem ( QListViewItem * parent, const QString & text, const QPixmap & p )

Constructs a Controller item with parent parent, text text and pixmap p.

QCheckListItem::QCheckListItem ( QListView * parent, const QString & text, const QPixmap & p )

Constructs a Controller item with parent parent, text text and pixmap p.

QCheckListItem::~QCheckListItem ()

Destroys the item, deleting all its children, freeing up all allocated resources.

void QCheckListItem::activate () [virtual protected]

Toggle check box or set radio button to on.

Reimplemented from QListViewItem.

bool QCheckListItem::isOn () const

Returns TRUE if the item is toggled on; otherwise returns FALSE.

void QCheckListItem::paintCell ( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup & cg, int column, int width, int align ) [virtual]

Paints the item using the painter p and the color group cg. The item is in column column, has width width and has alignment align. (See Qt::AlignmentFlags for valid alignments.)

Reimplemented from QListViewItem.

void QCheckListItem::paintFocus ( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup & cg, const QRect & r ) [virtual]

Draws the focus rectangle r using the color group cg on the painter p.

Reimplemented from QListViewItem.

int QCheckListItem::rtti () const [virtual]

Returns 1.

Make your derived classes return their own values for rtti(), and you can distinguish between listview items. You should use values greater than 1000, preferably a large random number, to allow for extensions to this class.

Reimplemented from QListViewItem.

void QCheckListItem::setOn ( bool b ) [virtual]

Sets the button on if b is TRUE, otherwise sets it off. Maintains radio button exclusivity.

void QCheckListItem::stateChange ( bool ) [virtual protected]

This virtual function is called when the item changes its on/off state.

QString QCheckListItem::text () const

Returns the text of the item.

void QCheckListItem::turnOffChild () [protected]

If this is a Controller that has RadioButton children, turn off the child that is on.

Type QCheckListItem::type () const

Returns the type of this item.

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Qt version 3.1.2