6 #ifndef __dilution_scheme_h__
7 #define __dilution_scheme_h__
Primary include file for CHROMA library code.
Abstract dilution scheme.
virtual T dilutedSolution(int t0, int dil) const =0
Return the solution std::vector corresponding to the diluted source.
virtual std::string getSourceHeader(int t0, int dil) const =0
virtual T dilutedSource(int t0, int dil) const =0
Return the diluted source std::vector.
virtual Real getKappa() const =0
virtual int getNumTimeSlices() const =0
virtual const Seed & getSeed() const =0
The seed identifies this quark.
virtual int getT0(int t0) const =0
virtual ~DilutionScheme()
Virtual destructor to help with cleanup;.
virtual int getDecayDir() const =0
The decay direction.
virtual std::string getPropHeader(int t0, int dil) const =0
virtual int getDilSize(int t0) const =0
virtual std::string getCfgInfo() const =0
Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.
LinOpSysSolverMGProtoClover::T T