Namespaces | Functions File Reference

Parallel transport a lattice field. More...

#include "meas/smear/displace.h"
#include "util/ferm/symtensor.h"
#include "util/ferm/antisymtensor.h"
#include "util/ferm/etensor.h"

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 Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.


template<typename T >
T Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const T &psi, int length, int dir, const Subset &sub)
 Apply a displacement operator to a lattice field. More...
LatticeColorVector Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticeColorVector &chi, int length, int dir)
 Apply a displacement operator to a lattice field. More...
LatticeColorVector Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticeColorVector &chi, int length, int dir, const Subset &sub)
LatticeColorMatrix Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticeColorMatrix &chi, int length, int dir)
 Apply a displacement operator to a lattice field. More...
LatticeColorMatrix Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticeColorMatrix &chi, int length, int dir, const Subset &sub)
LatticeFermion Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticeFermion &chi, int length, int dir)
 Apply a displacement operator to a lattice field. More...
LatticePropagator Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &chi, int length, int dir)
LatticeColorVectorSpinMatrix Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticeColorVectorSpinMatrix &chi, int length, int dir)
LatticeStaggeredFermion Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticeStaggeredFermion &chi, int length, int dir)
 Apply a displacement operator to a lattice field. More...
LatticeStaggeredPropagator Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticeStaggeredPropagator &chi, int length, int dir)
 Apply a displacement operator to a lattice field. More...
template<typename T >
T Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const T &psi, int displacement_length, const multi1d< int > &path, const Subset &sub)
 Apply a displacement path to a lattice field. More...
LatticeColorVector Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticeColorVector &chi, int length, const multi1d< int > &path)
 Apply a displacement path to a lattice field. More...
LatticeColorVector Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticeColorVector &chi, int length, const multi1d< int > &path, const Subset &sub)
 Apply a displacement path to a lattice field. More...
LatticeColorMatrix Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticeColorMatrix &chi, int length, const multi1d< int > &path)
 Apply a displacement path to a lattice field. More...
LatticeColorMatrix Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticeColorMatrix &chi, int length, const multi1d< int > &path, const Subset &sub)
 Apply a displacement path to a lattice field. More...
LatticeFermion Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticeFermion &chi, int length, const multi1d< int > &path)
 Apply a displacement path to a lattice field. More...
LatticePropagator Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &p, int length, const multi1d< int > &path)
LatticePropagator Chroma::displace (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticePropagator &p, int length, const multi1d< int > &path, const Subset &sub)
template<typename T >
T Chroma::rightNablaT (const T &F, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int mu, int length)
 Apply a right derivative path to a lattice field. More...
LatticeColorVector Chroma::leftRightNabla (const LatticeColorVector &F, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int mu, int length, int mom)
 Apply first deriv to the right onto source. More...
LatticeFermion Chroma::leftRightNabla (const LatticeFermion &F, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int mu, int length, int mom)
 Apply left-right deriv to the right onto source. More...
LatticePropagator Chroma::leftRightNabla (const LatticePropagator &F, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int mu, int length, int mom)
 Apply first deriv to the right onto source. More...
LatticeColorVectorSpinMatrix Chroma::leftRightNabla (const LatticeColorVectorSpinMatrix &F, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int mu, int length, int mom)
 Apply first deriv to the right onto source. More...
template<typename T >
T Chroma::leftRightNablaT (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const T &psi, int displacement_length, const multi1d< int > &path, const multi1d< int > &mom)
 Apply a right derivative path to a lattice field. More...
LatticeColorVector Chroma::leftRightNabla (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticeColorVector &chi, int length, const multi1d< int > &path, const multi1d< int > &mom)
 Apply first deriv to the right onto source. More...
LatticeColorMatrix Chroma::leftRightNabla (const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, const LatticeColorMatrix &chi, int length, const multi1d< int > &path, const multi1d< int > &mom)
 Apply first deriv to the right onto source. More...
LatticePropagator Chroma::rightB (const LatticePropagator &F, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int mu, int length)
 Apply "D_i" operator to the right onto source. More...
LatticePropagator Chroma::rightLap (const LatticePropagator &F, const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int length)
 Apply "E_i" operator to the right onto source. More...

Detailed Description

Parallel transport a lattice field.


Suppose q(x) is a quark field. Displacement operator D_j^{(p)} moves quark field for p lattice sites to the direction j in covariant fashion.

Namely, D_j^{(p)} q(x) = U_j(x) U_j(x+j) U_j(x+2j)...U_j(x+(p-1)j) q(x+pj), where U is the gauge-link.

dir: x(0), y(1), z(2)

Definition in file