18 namespace EvenOddPrecCloverOrbifoldFermActEnv
22 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>,
33 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>,
68 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>,
69 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix> >*
Primary include file for CHROMA library code.
Even-odd preconditioned Clover-Dirac action with orbifold term.
CloverFermActParams param
EvenOddPrecLogDetLinearOperator< T, P, Q > * linOp(Handle< FermState< T, P, Q > > state) const
Produce a linear operator for this action.
Even-odd preconditioned Clover-Dirac operator with orbifold term.
Even-odd preconditioned linear operator.
Support class for fermion actions and linear operators.
Base class for quadratic matter actions (e.g., fermions)
Class for counted reference semantics.
Wilson-like fermion actions.
Even-odd preconditioned Clover fermion action with orbifold.
Even-odd preconditioned Clover fermion linear operator with orbifold.
All ferm create-state method.
Fermion action factories.
Handle< CreateFermState< LatticeFermion, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > > > reader(XMLReader &xml_in, const std::string &path)
Helper function for the CreateFermState readers.
static bool registered
Local registration flag.
FermionAction< LatticeFermion, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > > * createFermAct(XMLReader &xml_in, const std::string &path)
Callback function.
const std::string name
Name to be used.
WilsonTypeFermAct< LatticeFermion, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > > * createFermAct4D(XMLReader &xml_in, const std::string &path)
Callback function.
bool registerAll()
Register all the factories.
Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.
const WilsonTypeFermAct< multi1d< LatticeFermion > > Handle< const ConnectState > state
Params for clover ferm acts.