22 XMLReader paramtop(xml, path);
28 if (paramtop.count(
"AnisoParam") != 0)
53 namespace KleinGordonFermActEnv
57 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>,
68 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>,
98 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>,
99 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix> >*
108 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>,
109 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix> >*
118 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>,
119 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix> >*
134 std::istringstream xml(invParam.
135 XMLReader paramtop(xml);
149 std::istringstream xml(invParam.
150 XMLReader paramtop(xml);
163 std::istringstream xml(invParam.
164 XMLReader paramtop(xml);
Differentiable Linear Operator.
Differentiable M^dag.M linear operator.
Support class for fermion actions and linear operators.
Base class for quadratic matter actions (e.g., fermions)
Class for counted reference semantics.
Klein-Gordon boson action.
DiffLinearOperator< T, P, Q > * lMdagM(Handle< FermState< T, P, Q > > state_) const
Produce a linear operator M^dag.M for this action.
const CreateFermState< T, P, Q > & getCreateState() const
Return the fermion BC object for this action.
FermState< T, P, Q > * createState(const Q &u_) const
Create state should apply the BC.
UnprecLinearOperator< T, P, Q > * linOp(Handle< FermState< T, P, Q > > state_) const
Produce a linear operator for this action.
KleinGordonFermActParams param
SystemSolver disambiguator.
Staggered-like fermion actions.
virtual MdagMMultiSystemSolverAccumulate< T > * mInvMdagMAcc(Handle< FermState< T, P, Q > > state, const GroupXML_t &invParam) const
Return a multi-shift linear operator solver for this action to solve (MdagM+shift)*psi=chi.
virtual MdagMMultiSystemSolver< T > * mInvMdagM(Handle< FermState< T, P, Q > > state, const GroupXML_t &invParam) const
Return a multi-shift linear operator solver for this action to solve (MdagM+shift)*psi=chi.
virtual MdagMSystemSolver< T > * invMdagM(Handle< FermState< T, P, Q > > state, const GroupXML_t &invParam) const
Return a linear operator solver for this action to solve MdagM*psi=chi.
Unpreconditioned linear operator including derivatives.
All ferm create-state method.
Fermion action factories.
void read(XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, AsqtadFermActParams ¶m)
Read parameters.
void write(XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const AsqtadFermActParams ¶m)
Writer parameters.
Klein-Gordon boson action masquerading action as a staggered action.
const std::string name
Name to be used.
static bool registered
Local registration flag.
bool registerAll()
Register all the factories.
StaggeredTypeFermAct< LatticeStaggeredFermion, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > > * createFermAct4D(XMLReader &xml_in, const std::string &path)
Callback function.
FermionAction< LatticeStaggeredFermion, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > > * createFermAct(XMLReader &xml_in, const std::string &path)
Callback function.
Handle< CreateFermState< LatticeStaggeredFermion, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix >, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > > > reader(XMLReader &xml_in, const std::string &path)
Helper function for the CreateFermState readers.
Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.
const WilsonTypeFermAct< multi1d< LatticeFermion > > Handle< const ConnectState > state
Hold group xml and type id.
Params for klein-gordon action.
SystemSolver disambiguator.
SystemSolver disambiguator.