Classes | Namespaces
polprec_op.h File Reference

Maybe usefull for polynomial preconditioning. It contructs an operator that is $QP(Q^2)Q$, where $Q = \gamma_5 M$, with M any 4D dirac operator (including EO preconditioned variants). P(Q^2) is could be any function of Q^2. More...

#include "handle.h"
#include "linearop.h"

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class  Chroma::PolyPrec< T, P, Q >
 Polynomial preconditioner. More...


 Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.

Detailed Description

Maybe usefull for polynomial preconditioning. It contructs an operator that is $QP(Q^2)Q$, where $Q = \gamma_5 M$, with M any 4D dirac operator (including EO preconditioned variants). P(Q^2) is could be any function of Q^2.

Initial version Feb. 6, 2006 (Kostas Orginos)

Definition in file polprec_op.h.