file | asq_dsl_s.cc [code] |
file | asq_dsl_s.h [code] |
| The "asq" or "asqtad" dslash operator D'.
file | asqtad_dslash.h [code] |
| Include possibly optimized Asqtad dslash.
file | asqtad_linop_s.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Asqtad linear operator.
file | asqtad_linop_s.h [code] |
file | asqtad_mdagm_s.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Wilson linear operator.
file | asqtad_mdagm_s.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Wilson fermion linear operator.
file | central_tprec_nospin_utils.h [code] |
| Support for time preconditioning.
file | clover_apply_ssed.cc [code] |
file | clover_term_bagel_clover.cc [code] |
| Clover term linear operator.
file | clover_term_bagel_clover.h [code] |
| Clover term linear operator.
file | clover_term_base_w.cc [code] |
| Clover term.
file | clover_term_base_w.h [code] |
| Clover term linear operator.
file | clover_term_llvm_w.h [code] |
| Clover term linear operator.
file | clover_term_nvvm_w.h [code] |
| Clover term linear operator.
file | clover_term_ptx_w.h [code] |
| Clover term linear operator.
file | clover_term_qdp_w.cc [code] |
| Clover term linear operator.
file | clover_term_qdp_w.h [code] |
| Clover term linear operator.
file | clover_term_ssed.cc [code] |
| Clover term linear operator.
file | clover_term_ssed.h [code] |
| Clover term linear operator.
file | clover_term_w.h [code] |
| Include possibly optimized Clover terms.
file | dslash_array_w.h [code] |
| Include possibly optimized Wilson dslash.
file | dslash_w.h [code] |
| Include possibly optimized Wilson dslash.
file | dwffld_w.cc [code] |
| DWF parity/rotation operator.
file | dwffld_w.h [code] |
| DWF parity/rotation operator.
file | eo3dprec_s_cprec_t_clover_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Clover linear operator.
file | eo3dprec_s_cprec_t_clover_linop_w.h [code] |
file | eo3dprec_s_cprec_t_wilson_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Wilson linear operator.
file | eo3dprec_s_cprec_t_wilson_linop_w.h [code] |
file | eoprec_clover_dumb_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned clover linear operator.
file | eoprec_clover_dumb_linop_w.h [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Clover fermion linear operator.
file | eoprec_clover_extfield_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Clover fermion linear operator in an external field.
file | eoprec_clover_extfield_linop_w.h [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Clover fermion linear operator in an external field.
file | eoprec_clover_linop_ssecombined_w.cc [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned clover linear operator.
file | eoprec_clover_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned clover linear operator.
file | eoprec_clover_linop_w.h [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Clover fermion linear operator.
file | eoprec_clover_orbifold_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Clover fermion linear operator with orbifold.
file | eoprec_clover_orbifold_linop_w.h [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Clover fermion linear operator with orbifold.
file | eoprec_dwf_linop_array_w.cc [code] |
| 4D-style even-odd preconditioned domain-wall linear operator
file | eoprec_dwf_linop_array_w.h [code] |
| 4D Even Odd preconditioned domain-wall fermion linear operator
file | eoprec_dwflike_linop_base_array_w.h [code] |
| Base class for even-odd preconditioned domain-wall-like linops.
file | eoprec_ht_contfrac5d_linop_array_w.cc [code] |
| 4D-style even-odd preconditioned domain-wall linear operator
file | eoprec_ht_contfrac5d_linop_array_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned extended-Overlap (5D) (Naryanan&Neuberger) linear operator.
file | eoprec_nef_general_linop_array_w.cc [code] |
| 4D-style even-odd preconditioned NEF domain-wall linear operator
file | eoprec_nef_general_linop_array_w.h [code] |
| 4D Even Odd preconditioned NEF domain-wall fermion linear operator generalised to take array of b_5 and c_5
file | eoprec_nef_linop_array_w.cc [code] |
| 4D-style even-odd preconditioned NEF domain-wall linear operator
file | eoprec_nef_linop_array_w.h [code] |
| 4D Even Odd preconditioned NEF domain-wall fermion linear operator
file | eoprec_ovdwf_linop_array_w.cc [code] |
| 4D Even Odd preconditioned Overlap-DWF (Borici) linear operator
file | eoprec_ovdwf_linop_array_w.h [code] |
| 4D Even Odd preconditioned Overlap-DWF (Borici) linear operator
file | eoprec_ovext_linop_array_w.cc [code] |
file | eoprec_ovext_linop_array_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned extended-Overlap (5D) (Naryanan&Neuberger) linear operator.
file | eoprec_ovlap_contfrac5d_linop_array_opt_w.cc [code] |
| Optimized version of 5D continued frac. linop.
file | eoprec_ovlap_contfrac5d_linop_array_opt_w.h [code] |
| Optimized Even-odd prec. 5D continued fraction linop.
file | eoprec_ovlap_contfrac5d_linop_array_w.cc [code] |
| Even-odd prec. 5D continued fraction linop.
file | eoprec_ovlap_contfrac5d_linop_array_w.h [code] |
| Even-odd prec. 5D continued fraction linop.
file | eoprec_ovlap_contfrac5d_linop_base_array_w.cc [code] |
| Base class for even-odd prec. 5D continued fraction linop.
file | eoprec_ovlap_contfrac5d_linop_base_array_w.h [code] |
| Base class for Even-odd prec. 5D continued fraction linop.
file | eoprec_ovlap_contfrac5d_pv_linop_array_w.cc [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Pauli-Villars Continued Fraction 5D.
file | eoprec_ovlap_contfrac5d_pv_linop_array_w.h [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Pauli-Villars Continued Fraction 5D.
file | eoprec_parwilson_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Wilson fermion linear operator with parity breaking term.
file | eoprec_parwilson_linop_w.h [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Wilson fermion linear operator with parity breaking term.
file | eoprec_slic_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned clover linear operator.
file | eoprec_slic_linop_w.h [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Clover fermion linear operator.
file | eoprec_slrc_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Clover linear operator (fat-relevant, thin-irrelevant terms)
file | eoprec_slrc_linop_w.h [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Clover linear operator (fat-relevant, thin-irrelevant terms)
file | eoprec_twm_linop_array_w.cc [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Twisted-mass linop where each flavor is one of two array elements.
file | eoprec_twm_linop_array_w.h [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Twisted-mass linop where each flavor is one of two array elements.
file | eoprec_wilson_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Wilson linear operator.
file | eoprec_wilson_linop_w.h [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Wilson fermion linear operator.
file | fat7_links_s.cc [code] |
| Support for Asqtad.
file | ilu2prec_s_cprec_t_clover_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Clover linear operator.
file | ilu2prec_s_cprec_t_clover_linop_w.h [code] |
file | ilu2prec_s_cprec_t_wilson_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Wilson linear operator.
file | ilu2prec_s_cprec_t_wilson_linop_w.h [code] |
file | ilu2prec_s_cprec_t_wilsonlike_linop_w.h [code] |
file | iluprec_s_cprec_t_clover_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Clover linear operator.
file | iluprec_s_cprec_t_clover_linop_w.h [code] |
file | iluprec_s_cprec_t_wilson_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Wilson linear operator.
file | iluprec_s_cprec_t_wilson_linop_w.h [code] |
file | iluprec_s_cprec_t_wilsonlike_linop_w.h [code] |
file | improvement_terms_s.h [code] |
| Support for Asqtad.
file | klein_gordon_linop_s.cc [code] |
| Klein-Gordon boson action masquerading action as a staggered action.
file | klein_gordon_linop_s.h [code] |
| Klein-Gordon operator.
file | lDeltaLs_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Wilson linear operator.
file | lDeltaLs_w.h [code] |
file | ldumul_w.cc [code] |
file | lg5eps_double_pass_w.cc [code] |
| Overlap-pole operator.
file | lg5eps_double_pass_w.h [code] |
| Internal Overlap-pole operator.
file | lg5eps_w.cc [code] |
| Overlap-pole operator.
file | lg5eps_w.h [code] |
| Internal pole epsilon operator. Just the unitary part.
file | lg5Rherm_w.h [code] |
file | lgherm_w.h [code] |
file | linop.h [code] |
| Fermion linear operators.
file | linop_s.h [code] |
| Linear operators.
file | linop_w.h [code] |
| Linear operators.
file | llincomb.h [code] |
file | lopishift.h [code] |
file | lopscl.h [code] |
file | lovddag_double_pass_w.cc [code] |
| Overlap-pole operator.
file | lovddag_double_pass_w.h [code] |
| Internal Overlap-pole operator.
file | lovddag_w.cc [code] |
| Overlap-pole operator.
file | lovddag_w.h [code] |
| Internal Overlap-pole operator.
file | lovlap_double_pass_w.cc [code] |
| Overlap-pole operator.
file | lovlap_double_pass_w.h [code] |
| Internal Overlap-pole operator.
file | lovlapms_w.cc [code] |
| Overlap-pole operator.
file | lovlapms_w.h [code] |
| Internal Overlap-pole operator.
file | lunprec_w.h [code] |
file | lwldslash_3d_qdp_w.cc [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_3d_qdp_w.h [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_3d_sse_w.cc [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_3d_sse_w.h [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_array_pab_w.cc [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator array.
file | lwldslash_array_pab_w.h [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator over arrays.
file | lwldslash_array_qdpopt_w.cc [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator array.
file | lwldslash_array_qdpopt_w.h [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator over arrays.
file | lwldslash_array_sse_w.cc [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator array.
file | lwldslash_array_sse_w.h [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator array.
file | lwldslash_array_w.cc [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator array.
file | lwldslash_array_w.h [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator over arrays.
file | lwldslash_base_3d_w.cc [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_base_3d_w.h [code] |
| 3D Wilson Dslash linear operator
file | lwldslash_base_array_w.cc [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator over arrays.
file | lwldslash_base_array_w.h [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator over arrays.
file | lwldslash_base_w.cc [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_base_w.h [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_llvm_w.h [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_qdpopt_w.cc [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_qdpopt_w.h [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_w.cc [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_w.h [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_w_cppd.cc [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_w_cppd.h [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_w_cppf.cc [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_w_cppf.h [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_w_pab.cc [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_w_pab.h [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_w_qphix.h [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_w_sse.cc [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | lwldslash_w_sse.h [code] |
| Wilson Dslash linear operator.
file | naik_term_s.cc [code] |
file | ovlap_contfrac5d_w.h [code] |
| Include possibly optimized partfrac5d.
file | partrat.h [code] |
file | polprec_op.h [code] |
| Maybe usefull for polynomial preconditioning. It contructs an operator that is , where , with M any 4D dirac operator (including EO preconditioned variants). P(Q^2) is could be any function of Q^2.
file | polynomial_op.h [code] |
| Polynomial filter for 4D Dirac operators. It creates an approximation to 1/Q^2 in the range with where M is a dirac operator of some kind (EO preconditioned is accepted). Can handle any 4D operator but not 5D since gamma_5 hermiticity is more involved there.
file | seoprec_clover_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Symmetric even-odd preconditioned clover linear operator.
file | seoprec_clover_linop_w.h [code] |
| Symmetric even-odd preconditioned Clover fermion linear operator.
file | shifted_linop_w.h [code] |
file | tprec_wilson_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Wilson linear operator.
file | tprec_wilson_linop_w.h [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned Wilson fermion linear operator.
file | unprec_clover_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Even-odd preconditioned clover linear operator.
file | unprec_clover_linop_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Clover fermion linear operator.
file | unprec_dwf4d_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned projected DWF operator to 4D.
file | unprec_dwf4d_linop_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned projected DWF operator to 4D.
file | unprec_dwf_linop_array_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned domain-wall linear operator.
file | unprec_dwf_linop_array_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned domain-wall fermion linear operator.
file | unprec_dwflike_linop_base_array_w.h [code] |
| Base class for unpreconditioned domain-wall-like fermion linear operator.
file | unprec_dwftransf_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Wilson linear operator.
file | unprec_dwftransf_linop_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Wilson fermion linear operator.
file | unprec_graphene_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Graphene fermion linear operator.
file | unprec_graphene_linop_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Graphene fermion linear operator.
file | unprec_hamberwu_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Hamber-Wu linear operator.
file | unprec_hamberwu_linop_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Hamber-Wu fermion linear operator.
file | unprec_ht_contfrac5d_linop_array_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned H_T kernel continued fraction (5D) operator.
file | unprec_ht_contfrac5d_linop_array_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned H_T kernel continued fraction (5D) operator.
file | unprec_nef_linop_array_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned NEF domain-wall linear operator.
file | unprec_nef_linop_array_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned NEF domain-wall fermion linear operator.
file | unprec_ovdwf_linop_array_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Overlap-DWF (Borici) linear operator.
file | unprec_ovdwf_linop_array_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Overlap-DWF (Borici) linear operator.
file | unprec_ovext_linop_array_w.cc [code] |
file | unprec_ovext_linop_array_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned extended-Overlap (5D) (Naryanan&Neuberger) linear operator.
file | unprec_ovlap_contfrac5d_linop_array_w.cc [code] |
file | unprec_ovlap_contfrac5d_linop_array_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned extended-Overlap (5D) (Naryanan&Neuberger) linear operator.
file | unprec_ovlap_contfrac5d_nonhermop_array_w.cc [code] |
file | unprec_ovlap_contfrac5d_nonhermop_array_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned extended-Overlap (5D) (Naryanan&Neuberger) linear operator.
file | unprec_ovlap_contfrac5d_pv_linop_array_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Pauli-Villars Continued Fraction 5D.
file | unprec_ovlap_contfrac5d_pv_linop_array_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Pauli-Villars Continued Fraction 5D.
file | unprec_parwilson_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Wilson linear operator with parity breaking term.
file | unprec_parwilson_linop_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Wilson fermion linear operator with parity breaking term.
file | unprec_pdwf4d_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned projected DWF operator to 4D using prec 5D bits.
file | unprec_pdwf4d_linop_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned projected DWF operator to 4D using prec 5D bits.
file | unprec_ppdwf4d_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned projected DWF operator to 4D using prec 5D bits.
file | unprec_ppdwf4d_linop_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned projected DWF operator to 4D using prec 5D bits.
file | unprec_s_cprec_t_wilson_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Wilson linear operator.
file | unprec_s_cprec_t_wilson_linop_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Wilson fermion linear operator.
file | unprec_w12_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned W12 action.
file | unprec_w12_linop_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned W12 action.
file | unprec_wilson_linop_w.cc [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Wilson linear operator.
file | unprec_wilson_linop_w.h [code] |
| Unpreconditioned Wilson fermion linear operator.