12 const LatticeStaggeredFermion&
19 const LatticeStaggeredFermion&
28 unsigned long cbsite_flops = 1146;
29 return cbsite_flops*(Layout::sitesOnNode()/2);
Primary include file for CHROMA library code.
unsigned long nFlops() const
Return flops performed by the operator()
void oddEvenLinOp(LatticeStaggeredFermion &chi, const LatticeStaggeredFermion &psi, enum PlusMinus isign) const
Apply the the odd-even block onto a source std::vector.
void evenOddLinOp(LatticeStaggeredFermion &chi, const LatticeStaggeredFermion &psi, enum PlusMinus isign) const
Apply the the even-odd block onto a source std::vector.
void apply(LatticeStaggeredFermion &chi, const LatticeStaggeredFermion &psi, enum PlusMinus isign, int cb) const
Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.
multi1d< LatticeFermion > chi(Ncb)