6 #ifndef __schr_chromomag_gaugebc_h__
7 #define __schr_chromomag_gaugebc_h__
16 namespace SchrChromoMagGaugeBCEnv
44 const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>&
const {
return fld;}
53 multi1d<LatticeBoolean>
54 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>
Concrete class for Schroedinger BC - use for nonpertubative tuning.
void operator=(const SchrChromoMagGaugeBC &)
int getDir() const
Decay direction.
multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > fld
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > & SFBndFld() const
Fixed gauge links on only the lSFmask() sites.
multi1d< LatticeBoolean > mask
const multi1d< LatticeBoolean > & lSFmask() const
Mask which lattice sites have fixed gauge links.
Destructor is automatic.
Abstract class for all gauge action boundary conditions with Schroedinger BC.
bool registerAll()
Register all the factories.
Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.
Schroedinger functional gauge boundary conditions.
Schroedinger Gauge boundary conditions.