6 #ifndef __schr_dirich_gaugebc_h__
7 #define __schr_dirich_gaugebc_h__
16 namespace SchrDirichletGaugeBCEnv
44 const multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>&
const {
return fld;}
68 multi1d<LatticeBoolean>
69 multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix>
Concrete class for Schroedinger BC - use for nonpertubative tuning.
int getDir() const
Decay direction.
void operator=(const SchrDirichletGaugeBC &)
const multi1d< LatticeBoolean > & lSFmask() const
Mask which lattice sites have fixed gauge links.
const Real & SchrPhiMult() const
Multiplier on phases.
int getMaxExtent() const
Maximum plaquette size. This is what knows about 1x1 plaq or 1x2 rect.
void initPhases()
Initialize the phases.
const multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > & SFBndFld() const
Fixed gauge links on only the lSFmask() sites.
const Phases_t & getPhases() const
Get the angles on the boundaries.
multi1d< LatticeBoolean > mask
multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > fld
Destructor is automatic.
Abstract class for SOME Schroedinger gauge BC.
bool registerAll()
Register all the factories.
Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.
Schroedinger functional gauge boundary conditions.
Schroedinger gauge boundary conditions.
Structure holding phases.