Classes | Namespaces | Functions
stoch_cond_cont_w.h File Reference

Stoch quark condensates. More...

#include "meas/hadron/hadron_2pt.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  Chroma::StochCondContEnv::Params
 Parameter structure. More...
class  Chroma::StochCondContEnv::StochCondCont
 Stochastic quark condensates. More...


 Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.
 Stochastic quark condensates.


bool Chroma::StochCondContEnv::registerAll ()
 Register all the factories. More...
void Chroma::read (XMLReader &xml, const std::string &path, StochCondContEnv::Params &param)
 Reader. More...
void Chroma::write (XMLWriter &xml, const std::string &path, const StochCondContEnv::Params &param)
 Writer. More...

Detailed Description

Stoch quark condensates.

Stoch quark condensates via the hadron contraction interface. This code is using the Hadron2PtCorr interface because the condensates are projected onto a fixed 3-space momentum. Thus, they are time-slice dependent and similar then to the 2-pt correlators. However, the origin is not an issue like that in the 2pt corrs., so that part can be avoided.

Definition in file stoch_cond_cont_w.h.