Namespaces | Functions
twoquark_contract_ops.h File Reference

Contraction operators for two quarks. More...

#include "util/ferm/spin_rep.h"
#include <vector>

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 Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.


void Chroma::transpose (multi2d< LatticeColorVector > &dist_rep, const multi2d< LatticeColorVector > &prop_rep)
 Take transpose of a matrix in (explicit) spin space. More...
void Chroma::gamma5Herm (multi2d< LatticeColorVector > &prop)
 Use gamma_5 hermiticity on a prop. More...
void Chroma::multiplyRep (multi2d< LatticeColorVector > &dist_rep, const std::vector< MatrixSpinRep_t > &spin, const multi2d< LatticeColorVector > &prop_rep)
 Dist(t2) = SpinMatrix*Prop(t2) More...
void Chroma::multiplyRep (multi2d< LatticeColorVector > &dist_rep, const multi2d< LatticeColorVector > &prop_rep, const std::vector< MatrixSpinRep_t > &spin)
 Dist(t2) = Prop(t2)*SpinMatrix. More...

Detailed Description

Contraction operators for two quarks.

Definition in file twoquark_contract_ops.h.