ferm Directory Reference


directory  map_obj


file [code]
 Compute anti-symmetric tensors.
file  antisymtensor.h [code]
 Compute anti-symmetric tensors.
file [code]
 Caclulates the couplings between neighboring blocks given a displacement path.
file  block_couplings.h [code]
 Caclulates the couplings between neighboring blocks given a displacement path.
file  block_subset.h [code]
 Key for propagator colorstd::vector sources.
file  composite_set.h [code]
 Key for propagator colorstd::vector sources.
file [code]
 48-bit CRC
file  crc48.h [code]
 48-bit CRC
file [code]
 Basis rotation matrix from Dirac to Degrand-Rossi (and reverse)
file  diractodr.h [code]
 Basis rotation matrix from Dirac to Degrand-Rossi (and reverse)
file [code]
 Cache for distillation - holds solution vectors.
file  disp_soln_cache.h [code]
 Cache for displaced solution vectors.
file [code]
 Support for distillution - random time-slices and quark line noises.
file  distillution_noise.h [code]
 Support for distillution - random time-slices and quark line noises.
file  eigeninfo.h [code]
 Hold eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
file [code]
 Tensor used for E representations.
file  etensor.h [code]
 Tensor used for E representations.
file  util/ferm/ferm.h [code]
 Utilities for manipulating fermion fields.
file  ferm_s.h [code]
file  ferm_w.h [code]
file [code]
 Gamma5 hermiticity.
file  gamma5_herm_w.h [code]
 Gamma5 hermiticity.
file [code]
 Compute gamma matrix multiplication table factors.
file  gammasgn_w.h [code]
 Compute gamma matrix multiplication table factors.
file [code]
 Hadron 2pt correlators.
file  key_hadron_2pt_corr.h [code]
 Hadron 2pt correlators.
file [code]
 Hadron 3pt correlators.
file  key_hadron_3pt_corr.h [code]
 Hadron 3pt correlators.
file [code]
 Key for propagator distillution matrix elements.
file  key_peram_distillution.h [code]
 Key for propagator distillution matrix elements.
file [code]
 Key for propagator colorstd::vector sources.
file  key_prop_colorvec.h [code]
 Key for propagator colorstd::vector sources.
file [code]
 Key for vanilla distillation propagator sources and solutions.
file  key_prop_distillation.h [code]
 Key for vanilla distillation propagator sources and solutions.
file [code]
 Key for distillution propagator sources and solutions.
file  key_prop_distillution.h [code]
 Key for distillution propagator sources and solutions.
file [code]
 Key for propagator colorstd::vector matrix elements.
file  key_prop_matelem.h [code]
 Key for propagator colorstd::vector matrix elements.
file [code]
 Key for time-sliced color eigenvectors.
file  key_timeslice_colorvec.h [code]
 Key for time-sliced color eigenvectors.
file  key_val_db.h [code]
 Key and values for DB.
file [code]
 Basis rotation matrix from Pauli-Schwinger (Euclidean Sakurai) to Degrand-Rossi (and reverse)
file  paulitodr.h [code]
 Basis rotation matrix from Pauli-Schwinger (Euclidean Sakurai) to Degrand-Rossi (and reverse)
file [code]
 Sparse matrix representation of spin matrices.
file  spin_rep.h [code]
 Sparse matrix representation of spin matrices.
file [code]
 Staggered operators.
file  staggered_operators_s.h [code]
 Staggered operators.
file  subset_ev_pair.h [code]
 Holds of vectors and eigenvalues.
file [code]
 Holds of vectors and weights.
file  subset_vectors.h [code]
 Holds of vectors and weights.
file [code]
 Compute symmetric tensors.
file  symtensor.h [code]
 Compute symmetric tensors.
file [code]
 Basis rotation matrix from Dirac to Degrand-Rossi (and reverse)
file  tdiractodr.h [code]
 Basis rotation matrix from Dirac to Degrand-Rossi (and reverse)
file [code]
 LatticeColorVector time-slice IO cache.
file  timeslice_io_cache.h [code]
 LatticeColorVector time-slice IO cache.
file [code]
 Insertion/Extraction utilities for vectors/fermions/propagators.
file  transf.h [code]
file [code]
 Contraction operators for two quarks.
file  twoquark_contract_ops.h [code]
 Contraction operators for two quarks.