Namespaces | Functions File Reference

Code for Wilson flow. More...

#include "meas/glue/wilson_flow_w.h"
#include "meas/glue/mesfield.h"
#include "util/gauge/stout_utils.h"
#include "util/gauge/expmat.h"
#include "util/gauge/taproj.h"

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 Asqtad Staggered-Dirac operator.


void Chroma::measure_wilson_gauge (multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, Real &gspace, Real &gtime, int t_dir)
void Chroma::wilson_flow_one_step (multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, Real rho, const multi1d< bool > &smear_in_this_dirP)
void Chroma::wilson_flow (XMLWriter &xml, multi1d< LatticeColorMatrix > &u, int nstep, Real wflow_eps, int t_dir, const multi1d< bool > &smear_in_this_dirP)
 Compute the Wilson flow. More...

Detailed Description

Code for Wilson flow.

A collection of routines to compute the Wilson flow.

Essentially the code implements appendix C of

Properties and uses of the Wilson flow in lattice QCD. Martin Luscher Published in JHEP 1008 (2010) 071 , arXiv:1006.4518

The code calls the existing stout smearing routines – which already exist in chroma.

The Wilson flow can be used to determine the lattice spacing.

See below for additional information about the Wilson flow.

Continuous smearing of Wilson Loops. Robert Lohmayer, Herbert Neuberger. arXiv:1110.3522. Published in PoS LATTICE2011 (2011) 249

Definition in file