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Program Description

The rising role of Greater China in the world economy and the enormous potential of Chinese science and technology pose challenges and opportunities for the U.S. In order to help prepare our students to engage with China, they need MIT classroom preparation in language, culture, and history followed by hands-on work experience in China. To the companies and institutes that hire them in the future, our students will bring a real sense of what it takes to carry out projects in China and a network of professional contacts. More broadly, those students who have undertaken this journey will have acquired a set of skills to operate well in other countries too. Therefore, the China-competent graduate of the MIT China Program is an internationally trained professional with much to contribute.

The duration of the internships is ten weeks over the summer to up to six months to one year. The internship candidate's qualifications are closely matched to the host organization's work requirements. Placements are arranged in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Since 1994 over 300 MIT China Program interns have been placed.


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