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"To study and to apply it in timely fashion, is that not, indeed, a pleasure?” says the Sage; “to have friends come from afar, is that not also a delight?”

With some allowance for our more pragmatic age, these lines from the Analects of Confucius might be adapted to characterize our modern enterprise: study consolidated through application, and friendship that spans the distance between nations and cultures- these are the goals of the MIT-China Program. Founded in 1994, it has quickly become a pre-eminent center for applied Chinese studies, giving young scientists, technologists, and managers the chance to work in a Chinese setting and participate in the rapidly expanding world of Chinese business and technology. We welcome your participation in this exciting endeavor.

The MIT-China Program has three closely related goals:

  • To collaborate with corporations, educational institutes, and government offices in China by sending our students to work there.
  • To encourage and facilitate MIT faculty research in cooperation with Chinese scientists and technologists.
  • To share our experiences with American corporations and research institutions on working in China.

© Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2001


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