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Program Description

Participating students are expected to fulfill the following requirements

1. Two years (minimum) of university-level Chinese language training or equivalent.

2. At least one course on China. We recommend 21H 560, Smashing the Iron Rice Bowl: Chinese East Asia, and other China courses taught by MIT Professors Perdue, Christensen,Steinfeld and Wang.

3. 17.549 Issues in Contemporary China

Units 1-0-2 [P/D/F]

Preparatory subject for MIT students who go to China on MISTI China internships. Subject explores critical issues in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong today. Eight sessions are taught by different MIT professors or outside experts, covering important aspects of Chinese life and/or China's current relationship with the outside world. Topics include health issues, Sino-US relations, economic transformation, technological developments, etc. One weekend session, held at MIT Endicott House, on the skills needed to successfully navigate Chinese society. Limited to students accepted into the MISTI China Internship Program.

4. MIT grade-point average of "B" or better.


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