layer hidden off the screen


Up we go! There, the elevator door is open. Feeling like you're on a Star Wars spaceship? Well, I've been here over a hundred times and I still feel like that. So, here you are, all you workaholics. I was starting to think that Will was the only one in the habitat! How's the research work going? Here we have a biology lab and a geology lab. Furnished with high-tech equipment... extremely sophisticated scientific tools specifically chosen to meet the needs of studying vents. To make sure the research goes on as efficiently as possible, the experiments are planned in advance. So, we have a biological and geological experiment timeline. They do research on all kinds of weird things, but it seems that they always find real-life applications for what they find. Last month, they found a vent organism, whose complex name I have no dreams of memorizing, that secretes a chemical which may be a potential cure for cancer. But they're still doing studies on that. Hey, Pat, what are you doing with that shrimp over there? Blinded by light! I thought you were using stroboscopic light to minimize exposure of the creatures to light. Even that didn't work? You must try something else. Sonar maybe. You see, these shrimps are very sensitive to light because they're so used to the dark. I won't keep you any longer Pat. The manned and robotic vehicles collect samples from the vent system and bring them over here for analysis in the labs. Ocassionally, scientists need to do experiments on the spot, so they use the manned vehicles then. After all, one of the purposes of building this habitat down here is to study organisms in their own environment.

Let's go to the control room now. This is the room that monitors and controls everything that goes on in the habitat. Controls power, life support equipment, everything. Did I talk to you about power. When this project first started, there were all kinds of crazy ideas for powering the habitat. Batteries, Striling engines using the heat from the water in the vents, even building a small nuclear power station. But then it turned out that all of these ideas were either impractical or dangerous. So, it was decided to simply provide the power from the surface by means of a cable. We have batteries here if anything goes wrong. What else do I have to say about this room? Yeah, and this control room also controls the docks. Yes, docks. There are two. You only saw one of them, the one where LEEMITe docked. The manned vehicle also docks there. Externally of course, just like LEEAMITe. The other dock is an internal one for the robotic vehicles. I'll take you over there now. There, see that giant door over there? When an AUV or ROV wants to dock in, this whole room where we're standing fills up with water and then the door is opened and the vehicle gets in. All that is controlled by the control room I just showed you. If you're not feeling tired now, we can take a short trip to the vent system. I've heard that two scientists are going there now. Want to go? Okay, then let's go back to the external docking sphere. Hey, Chris... wait for us! Can you take us with you to the vent. Not both of us? Then, I'll stay here and you go. The manned vehicle can't take more than three passengers. Anyway, I've been there several times. Take good care of our guest, Chris. Alive? Of course I want the scientist back alive! Don't get scared, he's just joking. EVE is very safe. And it's not like that there are sharks out there. Just some heavy pressure. Nothing EVE can't handle.
