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Atlantis II Geology Timeline

Sensor Array

Because most of the geological areas of research in the first six months revolve around gathering large amounts of data from a handful of critical experiments, most of our timeline will consist of repeating the same experiments.

Prior to occupation of mission station

  • Consult existing maps and data as well as results from a current geological survey to plan initial locations of semipermanent sensor array
  • Plan for initial area of core samples from maps of seafloor
  • Search for ideal dye injection spots for placement of smaller, movable sensor array
  • Plan for ideal placement of seismometers
  • Configure computers to receive and process data
  • Immediately upon arrival at station

  • Install computers
  • Set up sensor arrays at decided locations
  • Set up seismometers for seismograph readings
  • Resurvey for more detailed location of coring samples
  • Ongoing experiments

  • Constant reception of seismic data from three seismometers in the field
  • Core sampling at intervals dependent on transportation schedule
  • Temperature, pressure, and chemical identity data constantly read from sensor arrays
  • Run several instances of dye test at areas of geological interest
  • Early experiments

  • Use transportation vehicle to drag probes through areas of interest to collect data similar to Alvin's
  • If not done in preliminary work, assemble a complete map of seafloor area
  • Later experiments

  • Attempt to send sensor probes much like those on array into the area underneath the seafloor.
  • Attempt to take core samples of bedrock if determined to be geologically feasible