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Atlantis II Additional Experiments

As well as the three major continuing experiments, we have planned for several smaller- scale, simpler experiments to perform during the first six months of operation.

Seismic experiments

We plan to deploy several seismometers in areas of the seafloor so as to gather continuous data about seismic activity in the region as well as to function as an early- warning system of important events. For example, if a volcano erupts, seismic activity will likely be our first indication that it has happened, enabling us to trace its source and get probes there quickly.

Seafloor mapping

If it is not done prior to occupation of the habitat, our geologists will use the transportation vehicle and/or AUVs to create an image of the seafloor both for its own sake and to use as a tool for deployment of sensors and locating ideal areas for core sampling and dye injection. At least once during the first six months, the geologists will require another brief survey so as to determine changes in the geological structure of the area and possibly to redeploy the semipermanent sensor array.

Moving sensor tests

While not engaged in other activities, the AUVs will be put to work dragging sensor clusters much like those on the semipermanent array (see the tools page for more information) through areas of geological or biochemical significance to gather data where a sensor array is not located.

Sensors under the seafloor

If areas under the seafloor in which sensors have a high probability of surviving are found, it would be beneficial to put sensors in that area, allow them to move and send data back to the station. To do this, a sensor of the same type as the ones on the semipermanent array would need to be equipped with the ability to "know" its own position and a remote communication system so it could transmit data back to the laboratory.

Bedrock core sampling

Although far less useful than sedimentary core sampling, bedrock core sampling would be one option that the on-board geologists might consider for experiments after the first six months.