Questions from air:
-acid rain? Significant effect?
-CO2 (released/lost when forest burned)
-agroforestry –hard enough to regrow natural forest, not too probable
to be able to move towards a harvestable product like brazil nuts, but maybe
coffee or palms and such.
A. bad to use key species because too little info on other species (others
react differently)
B. agroforestry –on a plantation, epiphytes (good indicator species)
are not as diverse as in natural forest, however, if a coffee plantation has
old shade trees then the epiphyte compositions is much more similar to natural
(healthy epiphytes indicate healthy other stuff)
C. keystone species: maybe Ficus because it is hardier (if it is hurting,
others are hurting), abundant (easy to track/measure), important to birds
(changes in its population have a large effect)
D. Litterfall – find specific regions (they usually choose small areas
and make a lot of measurements there to indicate condition of larger areas)
E. Satellites – might be good to try and jump on existing satellites
and get outside company support