Research Information

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Gathered Information:

bulletAmazonian States - These are the states of Brazil that contain parts of the Amazon rain forest.  The information found here pertains to their political representation, demographics and general political attributes.  Some economic feature are mentioned because of their importance to the political structure and possible effect on the environment.
bulletBasics of Brazil - A page that contains just the general information.  Probably well known by most people, but good to have written down none the less.  Includes such information as demographics, branches of government, political parties, etc.
bulletPopulation Distribution - Basic information about the people living in the different regions.  Population is currently broken down based on sex and age.
bulletIndigenous Peoples - The indigenous people will certainly play an integral role in any venture into the Amazon.  Therefore this page is provided to spell out basic information pertaining to said group.  As of current, the information pertains mostly to their legal rights (constitutional rights) and land. 
bulletConstitution - Basically a copy of the constitution current as of 1998.  Parts of interest are bookmarked at the top and a different color.  This is mostly used as a reference to other pages that may mention constitutional legality issues.

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 Page created by Will Reichert, member of Team 1.
For general comments about the page contact Willr3.
Last updated: 10/21/02.