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Last Updated on 11/13/2003
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Reference Guide to Stratigraphies and Geologic Maps in the USGS Open File Report 98-34

Written by Kyungmin Kim

    Here, I introduced some useful stratigraphies and geologic maps in the USGS Open File Report 98-34. Of them, item 1(AO.pdf page 35, F1.JPG) is the general summary which appears in the report’s overview.

1. AO.pdf page 35, F1.JPG – ANWR Stratigraphy: Summary of ages, names, and rock types present in the ANWR 1002 area.

2. GG.pdf page 40, F2.JPG –Stratigraphic column for northeastern Alaska showing the tectono-stratigraphic subdivisions and schematic sections illustrating the post-Devonian geologic evolution of northern Alaska.

3. GG.pdf has many other geologic maps that may be helpful. You can find the index on page 2.

4. SM.pdf has many useful stratigraphies and geologic maps. I introduced most important ones below:
1) SM.pdf page 44, F3.JPG - Geologic map of western Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, showing location of this transect, A-G: This is necessary to view other maps because it marks the location of points A-G.
2) SM.pdf page 45, F4.JPG - Generalized composite stratigraphy along transect A-G
3) SM.pdf page 59, F5.JPG – Balanced cross section and structural stratigraphic restoration of transect A-G in the western part of the arctic national wildlife refuge, Alaska.

5. BC.pdf has many useful stratigraphies and geologic maps. I introduced most important ones below:
1) BC.pdf page 57, F6.JPG - Simplified geologic map of the northern Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, showing locations of structural transect and other features mentioned in text: This is necessary to view other maps because it shows the location of the transect discussed in this file.
2) BC.pdf page 58, F7.JPG - Generalized composite stratigraphy and detachment horizons along structural transect.
3) BC.pdf page 61, F8.JPG – Balanced cross section and structural stratigraphic restoration, bathtub syncline to Beaufort Sea through Niguanak structural high, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska.

* You can find the USGS Open File Report 98-34 with all the pdf files mentioned in this document at

Links to the image files:

Q110903.txt - My comments on team e's first proposal(11/09/2003)

Summary of Primary Information on Ten Plays in the ANWR 1002 Area(10/30/2003)
Introduction: Intro.txt
Undeformed Franklian Play: Play6.txt
Deformed Franklian Play: Play7.txt
Thin-skinned Thrust-Belt Play: Play8.txt
Ellesmerian Play: Play9.txt
Niguanak-Aurora Play: Play10.txt

P100803.txt - Summary of work with suggestions.(10/08/2003)
P092803.txt - Brief procedure to determine the amount of oil and gas in a certain trap.(09/28/2003)

Useful Sources
USGS Open File Report 98-34 - Comprehensive survey of petroleum resource in the ANWR.