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Alaskan Environmentalists

Animals of the Arctic

“The eyes of the future are looking back at us and they are praying for us to see beyond our own time. They are kneeling with clasped hands that we might act with restraint, leaving room for the life that is destined to come.” -Terry Tempest Williams

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...One of several freshmen learning communities at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Terrascope is designed to enhance its participants' abilities to deal with complex and multi-dimensional problems. This year, the students in the program are investigating drilling in the Arctic Wildlife National Reserve (ANWR) and its consequences on the environment and Alaskan prosperity. One of the important points to be considered in this case study is the sociological implications of drilling on the people of Alaska. As a student, my job is to collect and analyze research about how Alaskan environmentalists would respond to such activities. My personal goal is to outline and summarize the specific reasons these Alaskans do not support oil drilling in ANWR.

Last Updated 11.29.03

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