mission 2007 
progress journal 
about me

[Research Updates] [Web Site Updates]

Progress Journal

Research Updates:


Sat. [11.29.03] - Updated personal web site from home. Worked on speech. Realized that there are too few hours before big presentation on Thursday.

Sat. [11.22.03] - Made web site for presentation group. Attended several team meetings in 16-168. Worked on finding multiplier, but so far unsuccessful. :-(

Sat. [11.18.03] - Found some litigation specifics and forwarded them onto Team 8.

Sat. [11.15.03] - Searched for litigation specifics but was unsuccessful worked on refining environmentalist paper and team paper. Will continue to search, but am turning focus to larger project of team and Mission proposal.

Sat. [11.08.03] - Summarized the position of Alaskan environmentalists and the effects oil drilling will have on them in a one and a half page paper available on the research page. Also found two new sources of information that allowed me to roughly estimate the number of environmentalists in Alaska.

Wed. [11.05.03] - Added replies to interview questions (complete transcript) to web site. Will analyze as time permits.

Mon. [11.03.03] - Quickly created handouts with key information about the environmentalists for midterm. Am still waiting on replies to interview questions.

Sun. [11.02.03] - Worked with team in Terrascope room, updating site and deciding what we need to prepare for the "Midterm 2007." Will post answers to interview questions as soon as time permits.


Fri. [10.24.03] - Have done some more research and found some primarily Alaskan-run environmental groups. Will be contacting them as soon as time permits. Am also updating my research on the team web site.

Sun. [10.19.03] - Finished reading articles outlined on research page. Set some new goals for this week. Realized that November is coming up quickly, and I still need to get some personal antecdotes.

Thurs. [10.16.03]:
-Read one article and updated research section of site accordingly. Preparing for team perspectives.

Wed. [10.15.03]:
-Found new articles about environmentalists while in Hayden Library with group. Will read through and update page ASAP.

Thurs. [10.09.03]:
-Continued to research environmental groups linked from Alaska Environmental Links web site. Summarized trends and patterns on Research page. Began looking for more informative articles from MIT Libraries web site.

Wed. [10.08.03]:
-Found publications to search for in Hayden Library tomorrow during team meeting. Found publications at The Wilderness Society.

Sun. [10.05.03]:
-Researched different environmentalist groups in ANWR from Alaska Environmental Links web site. Summarized opinions and actions of three different groups. I am looking for print publications recommended by these sites to get a better idea of what exactly specific groups are advocating


Sun. [9.28.03]:
-Added summaries for fourth article under "research" link in meu. Plan to summarize last one when time becomes available.

Tues. [9.23.03]:
-Added summaries of three of five articles under "Arguments" link in meu. Plan to summarize other two when time becomes available.

Mon. [9.22.03]:
-Researched environmentalists' perspectives online and at Hayden Library. Found good background information about drilling in the 1002 are of ANWR and its impacts. Need to do more research to find what exactly environmentalists want to achieve.
* Report Raises Tough Questions About Drilling in ANWR (Charles Levendosky)
* The Impact of Oil Development on Prudhoe Bay (Pamela A. Miller)
* From Exxon to Northstar: The Impacts of Oil Development in Alaska and the Arctic (Greenpeace Arctic Action)
* Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (World Wildlife Foundation)
* Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Save Alaska)



Web Site Updates:

Sun. [11.08.03]:
-Updated Research page and added my proposal to the web site. Linked to Team E's drilling proposal on Index.

Sun. [11.02.03]:
- Updated web page after realizing I had hidden my newest research in a subdirectory for the past week. Added link to Shubanker Banerjee's photos on the research page. Added information to Perspectives page on team's web site.

Sun. [10.19.03]:
-Added picture of bear to index page. Updated about me section.

Wed. [10.15.03]:
-Updated team web site and added some links to this site. Used same format for team site.

Sun. [10.05.03]:
-Shrunk size of page to make images appear less grainy. Added new research page with summary of Alaskan environmental groups and placed old research page under new link from research page. Updated small details on other pages, including about me section.

Sun. [9.28.03]:
-Completely redid web site after finding frames were unacceptable. Used Dreamweaver to create pages for research, progress, biography, etc. Helped team work on team web site.

Tues. [9.23.03]:
-Added summaries of three of five articles under "Arguments" link in meu. Plan to summarize other two when time becomes available.


Last Updated: 11.29.03

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web master: Matt Zedler (mzedler@MIT.edu) ___________________team 10: m2007-10@MIT.edu

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