What is the Galapagos Archipelago?
Galapagos Islands - "Island group [belonging to] Ecuador in the Pacific W of mainland. capital on San Cristobal Island. Area 3093 square miles (8010 square kilometers), population 9785 ." (Merriam-Webster...)
You've probably heard of the Galapagos from your high school teacher. These are the same islands where Charles Darwin modeled his Theory of Evolution. They are owned by Ecuador and lie nearly 700 hundred of miles off the coast of Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean. The archipelago includes many different islands, each with unique flora and animal populations. The islands are of a volcanic origin. Interestingly enough they were commonly used by pirates as bases to attack enemy naval and merchant ships. The islands are world famous for their beauty. Also other famous inhabitants include the finches, giant tortoises, and sea iguanas.
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photo courtesy of Bob Kusik
What's wrong there?
Alright, well the problem is just that due to recent and old developments, the islands' ecosystems are in a lot of trouble. Many of the species that are indigenous to the area are being threatened by extinction due to the population that lives near by. Also, exotic plants and animals, such as goats and wild dogs, threaten the safety of the plants on the island. Darwin's island is under threat, and it is the goal of Mission 2008 to address and propose solutions to them.
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So what is this website about?
Well, basically, I created this website in order to keep a documentation of my research and for my project. My specific assignment for my team was to research as much as I could about the Galapagos' geology and climate. My personal notes on the subject are in here. So, not surprisingly, most of this website will be focused upon the geology and climate, unless I assigned to something else. Later, around late October, we will begin to work with the rest of the section upon solving the problems that were set for us.
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Why are random parts of this site in Latin (I think it is Latin, I really don't know)?
Actually the site's template is in Latin(again that's what I think it is), and I'll be attemptin gto remove it . If you run into any problems I'll do my best to fix them. But I think I've taken care of all of it, but I can't be certain.
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