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Welcome to my site about Mission 2008 and the Galapagos.

I guess this will be like a kind of journal of what is going on with our site and lots of our stuff.

Our assignment is to solve three different complex problems in reference to the troubles that have been brewing in the Galapagos Archipelago over the last few centuries.

My team, Los Iguanas 3, has been assigned to Santiago, San Cruz and the surrounding islands.

This is looking to be a cool and informative project, so take a look inside or check out the mission site.

Otherwise, just check out the site. There's a lot of interesting stuff going on in the Galapagos that I'm sure you're just dying to know about.

Or, if you've seen enough of my site, you can go to my team's website and take a look around our site or my other teammates' sites.

WARNING: You may need a digital certificate from MIT to access my team's website. I'm sure the site will eventually become public domain, I guess my site will have to do for now.

last updated on October 31, 2004

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