Our Solution


Enforcement of Revised Building Codes & Green Technology


             After through research and careful considerations of our options, we recommend
that the building codes set down by the city of New Orleans, our revision which
include better flood and wind protection and the integration of green technology
be strictly enforced throughout the city of New Orleans.  We understand the
initial cost will be a significantly high amount; but we want the best possible
solution for New Orleans not a compromised one. New Orleans, will not only be
protected by the stronger, category five levees but also our enforcement of the
revised building codes will greatly minimize the damages that could be caused by
natural disasters.  Although the catastrophic effects of Hurricane Katrina will
be felt for years to come, the fact remains that we have been given an
opportunity to make New Orleans the leader in what will become a new era of
green technology to protect our environment. These are the reasons why we
believe that enforcement of the revised building codes and the green technology
program is necessary in New Orleans      
             To enforce these new standards, we propose to create a coastal inspection
agency, as a part of FEMA, which annually evaluates, keeps a thorough record of
and enforces the revised building codes in New Orleans. These inspections will
he held by well-trained individuals, screened by FEMA and will be ideally
completely impartial. This is how we plan to enforce our ideas on rebuilding
New Orleans. Other incentives, such as lower taxes and reduced insurance
premiums based on the revised building codes and green technology will strongly
encourage homeowners to follow through on the programs.

 Building Codes & Green Architecture / Subsidized Housing /                      / Insurance / Works Cited