Digital Scrolls
Final Design
Concept Refinement and Feedback
The initial design for the scroll was an automated and self-resetting mechanical scroll with two images (room setups) alternating between games. During concept refinement, the team decided to upgrade the design to a digital scroll since it would allow for more variations for the game play. Such a change was well-received during the concept refinement review, with few suggestions as to how to make the digital screen appear more like paper. As no major problems are anticipated for implemention of this concept, the team decided to focus on other components of the room when prototyping the system. Below are the digital scroll designs from concept refinement - no changes have been made to the concept since concept refinement.
Digital Scroll
There are two digital scrolls inside the ancient China game room (shown below). The purpose of the digital scrolls is to communicate and display various jar patterns and their orientation which needs to be matched by rotating the certain active jars present in the room. The scroll on the left side needs to be used for the jars on the left side of the room and right side scroll for the jars on the right side of the room. Upon successful completion of the game, the final patterns displayed on both the scrolls will match the patterns on the actual jars in the room.
Digital Scroll Assembly
The main idea behind using the digital scroll assembly is to make use of two 55” inch LED TVs and integrate it with scrolls to give the perspective of a real scroll. The scroll assemblies are on the shorter wall (10 ft). 55” inch LED TVs are embedded in a 60 mm deep niche in the wall and actual scrolls with a cutout are seamlessly integrated on the wall to depict real scrolls. An exploded view of the assembly is shown below.
How do the scrolls work?
The scrolls would be reset with help of a door activated switch located at the exit door. Every time players exit the room, the door activated switch would give an input to the controller to reset the pictures displayed on the scrolls. An algorithm will randomize the patterns during the resetting process based on the previous positions of the jars and number of players entering. If required you can refer to the Gameplay webpage for more details.
Circuit diagram of scrolls
The purpose of the camera on the scroll wall is to take photos of the players after they have successfully completed the game. The scrolls will be used to convey the message to players that it is time for a momento. The captured momento will be then displayed on the scrolls for preview and sent to players' OpenWorld accounts. The camera is mounted on the same wall as the scrolls (shown in the picture above).