General Information
FAQ // Section
Assignments // Reading Materials //
Catalog description //
Announcements //
MIT Web Certificates // Grading // Collaboration // Class meetings // Staff
and Office Hours // Writing
program // Spring 2005 Class Materials (opens in new window)
MIT catalog description
Prereq.: 6.004 (and, by implication, 6.001 and 6.002)
U (2)
Topics on the engineering of computer software and hardware
systems: techniques for controlling complexity; strong modularity
using client-server design, virtual memory, and threads; networks;
atomicity and coordination of parallel activities; recovery and
reliability; privacy, security, and encryption; and impact of
computer systems on society. Case studies of working systems and
readings from the current literature provide comparisons and
contrasts. Two design projects. Students engage in extensive
written communication exercises. Enrollment may be limited. 4
Engineering Design Points.
Underground Reviews (require an MIT personal certificate):
For announcements and assignments, the Web is our authoritative
form of communication. We expect students to check the 6.033 home
page for both news and assignments regularly, every couple of
days. If you hear a rumor, check it there. If you miss an
announcement, it should be in the News
MIT Web Certificates
Access to a number of documents on the course web site is
restricted to its students, using MIT Web
Certificates. Protected documents include some of the reading
materials with copyright restrictions, and the recitation/tutorial
Grading Policy
You will receive two grades: one from the writing program (your
writing grade) and one from the 6.033 staff (your 6.033 grade),
which are combined in a final grade as
follows. Your final grade is your 6.033 grade
unless you received lower than a B for your writing grade. If you receive
lower than a B, your final grade will be your 6.033 grade but
dropped by one letter grade.
Your 6.033 grade is based on three components: section evaluation,
design projects, and quizzes. They are weighted as follows:
6.033 grade = 25% Section Evaluation + 35% Design
Projects + 40% Quizzes
Section Evaluation
The section part of your grade reflects your overall level of
participation in recitation and tutorial as well as a series of
weekly hands-on projects that support recitation. Section
instructors will base at least half of the evaluation on your
communication skills: oral communication skills as observed in
recitation paper discussions in class and written communication
skills as evaluated by your instructor and your teaching
assistant. The remainder of your section grade is based
on the quality and enthusiasm of your participation, your
understanding of the papers, and on whether you handed in the
assignments, since the exercises aid your ability to discuss the
During most weeks, you will be expected to complete a hands-on
experiment that requires a computer, usually an Athena
workstation, and sometimes using the Web. The idea is to reinforce
some of the abstract concepts from the lectures or papers that
week and find out how things really work. These assignments
generally do not require programming.
Design Projects
As in 2005, in 2006 the design projects will be given more
emphasis than in years before. The final result of each will be an
paper in which you describe a detailed system design to solve a
real-world problem. There will be two design projects, each of
which will extend over roughly half the semester. The first will
be an individual project; the second will be done in teams of
three students from the same recitation.
The first design paper will be forwarded to the Communication
Program and graded on writing, as described in the section on writing requirements.
One of the teaching assistants' primary roles is to tie the design
projects into the topics covered in lectures and recitations. On
most Fridays, they will be teaching "tutorials" to explain the
design projects' requirements and some of the tradeoffs inherent
in the projects. Like lectures and recitations, these tutorials
are mandatory. Students are also welcome to ask questions about
the design projects during TA office hours.
A couple of weeks into each design project, you'll be asked to
hand in a short design proposal. We'll evaluate this to make sure
you're on the right track and to suggest writing improvements, but
it will only count against the project grade if you fail to hand
it in. We'll also discuss common mistakes during tutorial. Both
design project proposals will be forwarded to the writing program,
and be graded according to the description in the writing requirements section.
Two quizzes are held during the term. A third quiz (1.5 hours in
length) will be scheduled during finals week. Each quiz will focus
on a third of the class's material, but keep in mind that later
topics in 6.033 build heavily upon the earlier topics. The quizzes
count as follows: 12.5% quiz, 12.5% quiz 2, and 15% quiz 3.
Please note well: Although the formula to
calculate your final 6.033 grade appears to be linear, there are
some important non-linearities in the calculation. These
non-linearities are the four ways in which you can be sure of
getting an F in 6.033:
- Traditional method (which actually is the result of the linear
formula mentioned above): Provide convincing evidence, in the
form of exceptionally low or missing grades on quizzes and other
assignments, that you have gotten little or nothing out of the
subject. Note that if you don't regularly attend recitation and
tutorial, you will receive an F for the section
evaluation, even if you have faithfully handed in the
- Fail to turn in Design Project #1 by the last day of class.
- Fail to turn in Design Project #2 by the last day of class.
Our policy is simple, based on professional standards: on quizzes
you should not collaborate. On all other assignments you are
welcome to work with anyone else on ideas and understanding, but
your writing should be your own and you should carefully
acknowledge all contributions of ideas by others, whether
from classmates or from papers you have read.
Class meetings
Lectures will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:00pm-3:00pm
in 32-123. Recitations are on Tuesdays
and Thursdays. Friday sessions will usually be tutorials, but we use some of the Friday
hours for lectures by the staff of the M.I.T. Communication
Program, and some for quizzes. See the
schedule for the exact dates of these events.
These four types of sessions are all required. For the
first recitation, attend whichever one you want. After that, you
will be assigned a permanent recitation.
For details about your recitation and tutorial time and place,
consult the recitation and tutorial
Course staff mailing list:  Use this mailing list to contact
all the 6.033 staff members.
Written Communication, the Writing Program, and the Communication
Six of your written assignments will be forwarded to the Writing
Program for review:
- Your Therac-25 written assignment (one-pager #1)
- Your UNIX written assignment (one-pager #2)
- Your RaceTrack written assignment (one-pager #3)
- Design proposal for Design Project 1
- Design Project 1
- Design proposal for Design Project 2
The Writing Program will give detailed comments on all these
assignments and they will record letter grades for assignments 1,
2, 3, 4, and 5 above. These five grades will constitute your
writing grade in the course. If you do not receive a B or better
average on these 5 assignments, your final grade for 6.033 will be
reduced by 1 letter grade.
You have the option to revise 1 of your assignments. The higher
revision grade will replace your original grade on that assignment and
be used to factor your writing grade. All revisions are due by May
The EECS department hands out a few awards for excellent papers
for design project 1. Every submitted design paper is eligible for
an award; the final decision is made by the 6.033 and writing staff
based on both technical content and writing quality.
Communication Requirement
Because 6.033 is a course that asks students to complete
substantial written work, it has been designated a communication
intensive in the major (CI-M) course by the M.I.T. Communication
Requirement. If you need to fulfill the new CI-M requirement,
6.033 will satisfy one of your two CI-M requirements. (You will
take your second CI-M, 6.UAT/6.UAP, during your senior year.)
According to the
Communication Requirement webpage 6.033 satisfies CI-M for
Course 2A, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6A, 18-General, 18-Theory, 18-Applied,
and 18-C. If you are not in these programs, 6.033 does not
currently satisfy the CI-M requirement for you. For further
questions, please contact the Office of the Communication
Requirement (617) 253-2313, or go to their office at 6-206.
Phase II
If you still fall under the old writing requirement, Phase II, you
will complete the same assignments as CI-M students. Your work
will be assessed under the Phase II requirement.