About ISO

Practical Training Fee

Effective March 1, 2009, a $150 fee will be charged to accompany each application for work permission following graduation. A $200 fee will accompany STEM OPT applications. For more information, please see Dean Steven Lerman's announcement below.


February 17, 2009

Dear international student,

In its role as legal sponsor for students on Optional Practical Training (OPT) or Academic Training (AT), MIT is obliged to report on the individual's immigration status to the Department of Homeland Security. The reporting requirements imposed by the DHS have grown significantly; as a consequence, the workload on the staff in the International Students Office as well as document shipping costs have greatly increased. Given MIT's current financial situation, we regrettably can no longer provide these services free of charge.

As a consequence, the Institute has decided that we will charge a fee for all students and alumni who elect to apply for permission to work in the US following graduation. Specifically, starting on March 1, 2009, any international student applying for Optional Practical Training (F-1 student status), or for Academic Training (J-1 student status), will be charged a $150 fee to accompany each application. In addition, international alumni in STEM fields who apply for the 17-month OPT extension will be assessed a fee of $200.

Students and alumni applying for the AT, OPT or an OPT extension will be able to pay this fee by check or money order when they file their requests. We are also making arrangements to allow students to have this fee put on their bursar's bill.

If you have questions or concerns about the new fee, please contact either my office or the International Students Office.

Steven Lerman
Vice Chancellor and Dean for Graduate Education

Prof. Steven R. Lerman
Vice Chancellor and Dean for Graduate Education
3-138, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139
Ph: 617-253-1957 Fax: 617-258-5620

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