This page contains other relevant information you might want to know about the weekend.

We have negotiated with the Parking Office to open the West Annex at MIT for APO75 attendees to park in, starting 6pm on Friday. A map showing the location of this lot can be found here. If you want to park before 6pm, a list of public parking facilities at MIT can be found at the MIT facilities website. If the West Annex fills up, guest should park at 139 Mass Ave.

Registration will be open during select windows throughout the weekend listed on the schedule handout. At registration, you can pick up your information packet, name badge, souvenirs, bag, and pen. You are not required to register before your first event if you do not want your event materials immediately.

Gallery, Auction, and Scrapbooking
Two of our events - the Alpha Phi Omega artifact gallery, and the Steak-fry style auction - need help from attendees in bringing in physical objects! Additionally, scrapbooking would love for you to bring in photographs. If you have an object that's historically relevant to our chapter, and you are willing to showcase it for a few hours, please bring the object and a brief description so that we can display it in the Alpha Phi Omega artifact gallery. If you have an item that you are interested in selling at Saturday night's Steak-Fry-style auction, please bring that as well! And please print out or bring photos for the scrapbook so we have a wide range of years and people represented. We would love to hear about these items in advance ( but "walk-ins" are certainly welcome. Please deposit these items at registration when you arrive.

We encourage you to take photos throughout the reunion! If you send photos or links to photos to by Saturday night, we will include them in the Sunday brunch slide show. There will also be a chance to upload your photos to our computers at the Saturday banquet, so please bring any upload cables you need. We cannot accept RAW format. Please shoot in an additional format, like JPG.

A block of hotel rooms was available for APO75 attendees for at the Hyatt Regency in Cambridge, but reservations are now closed. No reunion events will take place at the Hyatt - all events will be held on campus or at the off-campus service project

We have heard that several local brothers are interested in hosting out-of-town brothers for the weekend, so we have set up a Google spreadsheet where you can indicate if you are seeking/offering space to stay over the weekend. Please fill out the spreadsheet if you would like to host, or stay with, a brother that weekend. The event organizers will not be matching people using this list; rather, it is up to you to find someone compatible to share space with.

In order to accommodate families with young children, we will be offering a limited selection of games and comics at most events, but for the most part parents should take care of their children's own entertainment. Kids are highly encouraged to meet and play with the other young attendees!

Souvenirs from the anniversary will be available. The ordering period has ended, but a very limited number will be available at the anniversary itself.

multitool screwdriver

Sunday activities
Sunday's schedule has been left intentionally sparse, because we expect many of you will want to schedule time to meet with friends, and/or explore the wonderful city of Boston if you haven't been back for a while. If you do happen to get the urge to see the sights, brothers have recommended the following activities: